In Almost Heaven
, Billy Allman is a genius but he was short on social skills. He decides to build a radio station with spare parts that he has collected. The people in the town laughed at him but that does not bother Billy. Billy has a secret that has been haunting him for many years and things have always gone wrong for him. He has a passion for playing the mandolin and plays bluegrass music on his radio station. Through out Billy's
life he is being watch by an angel Malachi. Although this was not his dream assignment, Malachi follows the man and sees how Billy lives and the problems that he faces. When Billy's secret is revealed his life and the people close to him are changed. Malachi wants to protect him but he was only sent as an observer. What happens to Billy and Malachi? I guess you have to read the book to find out.
About the Author-
Chris Fabry is the host of Chris Fabry Live!, an hour of spiritual encouragement from his backyard radio fence. The program challenges listeners to think biblically about their spiritual journeys. Chris is also the author of the Christy Award-winning novel Dogwood, and his latest fiction release, June Bug. He and his family live near Tucson, Arizona. You can learn more about Chris at
My Thoughts-
I loved this book and I could not put it down. There were twists and turns throughout the book that kept me hooked. I loved Billy, Callie and all of the other characters in the town. Billy has be plagued with problems all his life and the book shows that God can intervene in our lives to make us stronger to face our problems. I have never read any of the author's books before and I can not wait to find out what he is planning for the future. I even downloaded his podcasts on my I touch and it was very entertaining and informative. There were some very interesting guests on his show. So if you want some inspiration in your life read Almost Heaven and listen to the podcasts you will be glad you did.
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