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Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Now that Spring has officially started, it is time to get in shape and lose those winter pounds. Do you need a little inspiration and guidance then the book  Get Skinny: The Six-Week Body Challenge by Scott Schmaltz is just for you.

About the Book:

Imagine having the energy to perform at your peak throughout the day, the inner strength to tap into your true potential, and the ability to permanently lose weight--- all while having absolute confidence in who you are and what you can accomplish.

If you are thinking about losing weight but don't know where to start, let "Get Skinny! The Six-Week Body Challenge" be your guide. Unlike other fitness books on the market, this six-week body challenge won't leave you feeling confused about what you need to do to permanently lose weight and change your life.

"Get Skinny! The Six-Week Body Challenge" gives you the true feeling and experience that comes from working with an elite personal trainer one-on-one. For the next six weeks, you'll be guided through several fun and challenging exercise and nutrition programs as if you were actually meeting with an elite trainer at your local gym. You'll be pushed to reach for your true, inner potential while being praised for your efforts. There are even targeted goals and weekly check-ins to help keep you motivated.

In the end, you'll be able to laugh and have a good time, make mistakes in a safe and comfortable environment, and personally connect with your trainer in a way that will allow you to achieve lasting and permanent success, forever changing the way you look at fitness!

Connect with Scott:

You Tube
Linked In

My Thoughts: 

There are many exercise books and miracle pills on the market. But do they work? Get Skinny is very different from all the other exercise books that I have read. The author has written a book that is motivating, easy to follow and very informative. All of the exercises mentioned in the book are explained fully with pictures that show the correct form that is needed to do them right. In the chapter "Committed to Change," he told a story of a woman who was struggling with her weight and when she met Scott her life changed and she became fit. I have also been struggling with my weight and have followed many Fab diets that did not work. I have reached my ideal weight and maintained it for a while and the pounds have always crept up. Scott has written a great book to get you started on your weight loss journey. Would you like to win a copy?

Contest: USA ONLY

Win a copy of Get Skinny!

Enter below via Rafflecopter- Contest ends on  4/7 @11:59PM EST- See rafflecopter for rules.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, February 21, 2011


Prevent a Second Heart Attack: 8 Foods, 8 Weeks to Reverse Heart DiseaseEven if you do not have any cardiac issues you should read Prevent a Second Heart Attack: 8 Foods, 8 Weeks to Reverse Heart Disease so you do not become it's next victim.

According to the American Heart Association roughly 1.5 million people will have a heart attack this year and 38 % will die from it. Those are really upsetting numbers but scientific evidence shows that more than 80% of heart attacks can be prevented by lifestyle changes in both men and women. This is where the book comes in. The author provides guidelines that can help prevent your first heart attack and others after. The book provides a simple and easy to follow lifestyle plan (diet and exercise) to help heart attack survivors to live longer. 

General Lifestyle Advice: (We could all use a little advice in our lives)
  1. Eat a heart- healthy diet. ( Explained fully in the book)
  2. Reduce your stree in your life.
  3. Become physically Active. (remotes do not count)
  4. Don't smoke.
  5. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight. 
  6. Take your medications if prescribed.
I have always known that fish, nuts, vegetables and red wine has always been good for you but the book explains how they help the body reverse heart disease. There are great recipes and two weeks of meals plans to assist you in implementing the program. The author has written an excellent article about the importance of walnuts in your diet. You can read it here

While reading the book you will learn- 

  1. Why the Mediterranean diet is one of the best diets to follow.
  2. What is LDL AND HDL and how it affects our bodies.
  3. How "Good Carbs" such as oatmeal, popcorn and whole grains reduce our bad cholesterol (LDL), prevent high blood pressure and control your weight.
  4. Why fish is important for hearth health.
  5. Why having a glass of red wine with dinner is good for your heart.
  6. How exercise helps to increase your good cholesterol (HDL).
  7. How Dark chocolate helps protect our heart ( 1oz, 70% cocoa)
 Read an Excerpt-
Authors Website-

About the Author-

 Janet Bond Brill, Ph.D., is a diet, nutrition, and fitness expert who has appeared on national television. She is the author of Cholesterol Down: Ten Simple Steps to Lower Your Cholesterol in Four Weeks--Without Prescription Drugs and specializes in cardiovascular disease prevention. Dr. Brill lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and three children.

    My Thoughts-

    The books was fantastic, easy to read, informative and complete. As a Registered Nurse, I am familiar with the topics discussed in the book but in reading the book, I learned so much more about heart health. All of the information discussed was presented in a way that was concise and easy to understand. I especially liked the chapter that discussed what the underlying cause of heart disease-Atherosclerosis and how it affects the arteries. When I was growing up, my family always ate food rich in butter and creams unaware of what we were doing to our bodies. Now my family watches our fat and sugar intake to prevent heart disease and diabetes. The book was well researched and the information was up to date. I recommend the book to everyone to help them protect their heart. Would you like to win a copy of this great book?

    Thanks to the author, I am able to giveaway 1 copy of the book.

    Main Entry - USA ONLY


    All you have to do is Leave a comment with your email.
    Extra entries-

    1.  Follow me on GFC +2
    2. Follow me on Twitter
    3. Follow Books R Us on Facebook.

    Contest ends on 3/7/11 at 11:59pm EST

    Good Luck!!

    Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review. Please see my disclosure Policy.

    Monday, May 24, 2010


    The Substitute Yourself Skinny Cookbook: Cut the Calories, Keep the Flavor with Hundreds of Simple Substitutions!Do you try to diet and find your food awful? Then The Substitute Yourself Skinny Cookbook: Cut the Calories, Keep the Flavor with Hundreds of Simple Substitutions! by Chef Susan Irby is the book for you. Diet cookbooks should be about dropping weight, not depriving yourself. By swapping this for that, you can turn your favorite foods into low-calorie creations.

    In this calorie-slashing collection, Bikini Chef-to-the-stars Susan Irby offers 175 inventive recipes for switching up ingredients that keep calories to a minimum. Here, you'll get expertly crafted recipes that include offerings for every meal of the day, such as:

    • Flat-Belly Eggs Benedict (with turkey bacon or lean prosciutto instead of bacon or ham)--save 465 calories!
    • Smoked Gouda Burger (with turkey bacon and a whole-wheat bun)--save 716 calories!
    • Monterey Chicken Pasta (with sugar-free BBQ sauce and reduced fat cheese)--save 345 calories!
    • Molten Chocolate Cake (with less cream and more strawberries)--save 262 calories!
    Complete with "Thin Tip" shortcuts to trim calories in little ways throughout the day and serving size suggestions, you get all the flavor--minus the muffin top!

    You Tube Video

    Visit the author's website for for more information.

    My Thoughts-

    My family is always looking for recipes to help us stay fit and healthy. The layout of the book was great. Each recipe is easy to follow and includes tips,nutritional breakdown, portion size and of course the calories saved when substituting healthier ingredients. We made the fudgy chocolate brownies and they were quite tasty. There are some recipes that she uses a sugar substitute but does not recommend a brand to use. My family uses apple sauce and Stevia as a substitute for sugar when needed. This is a great book for everyone who wants to live a little healthier.
    Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book by FSB Associates for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review

    Tuesday, May 11, 2010


    This Is Why You're Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever): Eat More, Cheat More, Lose More--and Keep the Weight Off

    According to Jackie Warner, "Being fat isn't your fault; staying fat is." In her book This is Why You're Fat, she shows you how to lose weight and inches quickly without depriving yourself and doing grueling workouts. There are behaviors that make you fat and with Jackie's core principles you can learn to make you thin forever:

    1. ADD TO LOSE- With her 2-week jump start you add foods to your diet and no food is forbidden.

    2. CHEATING IS ALLOWED- After you eat clean for 5 days, you can indulge in anything you want over the weekend.

    3. FAT IS NOT THE ENEMY- She says that sugar makes you fat and you should have no more than 9 grams of sugar.

    4. SKIP THE CRUNCHES- They only make you build muscle under the fat. It is important to find the best and fastest way to burn calories, tone muscle and increase your metabolism for rapid weight loss.

    5. LESS (EXCERCISE) IS MORE- You do not have to spend hours working out. Give her 20 minutes and you will see results.

    So if you head to the gym, follow Jackie's advice:

    Gym Etiquette

    If anybody knows about proper gym etiquette, it’s me. I own a gym and have to constantly stay on top of my staff to follow the rules. A lot of clients tell me that they’re intimidated by gyms because they feel they don’t know how to use the equipment or feel they are out of place, in the way. Part of feeling comfortable in the gym is knowing the rules of a gym.
    I’ll clear up a few of these for you, so you can go into any gym with confidence.

    ✱Learn the proper operation of equipment. If you’re unsure of how something works, ask for assistance.

    ✱ Pick up after yourself. Put your weights away. The next people in line don’t want to hunt around for the weights they need or, worse yet, try to remove the weights you left out.

    ✱ Allow people to “work in.” Many people do multiple sets on the weight machines, then sit on the equipment during their recovery time. If someone is waiting to use the same machine, the proper etiquette is to allow her to work in or do her set while you recover. So do your set, get off, and let the other person work in.

    Don’t be shy about asking someone if you can work in, either. However, don’t work in if there are already two people waiting to use the same equipment.

    ✱ Don’t drop weights. Not only is dropping weights dangerous for your toes, but it damages the equipment and the floor. The rule of thumb is: If you can lift it, you can put it down gently.

    ✱ Observe time limits on cardio equipment. Some gyms have time limits (usually thirty minutes) on the cardio equipment (treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationary bikes, and so on), especially during peak hours. If you see people waiting around to use your type of machine, be especially conscious of the time limit.

    ✱ Wipe your sweat off the equipment. Gyms are notorious places for spreading nasty germs like staph infections, so practice good hygiene. And always lay a towel on the equipment to protect yourself.

    ✱ Don’t disturb other gym goers. The gym can be a great place to meet other healthy
    people. But don’t be too chatty. You are there to work to intensity. Stay focused on
    your goals.


    There are many diet books out there and so called miracle pills on the market. But do they work? In the book, she talks about balance in your body chemistry, and hormones. She explains what foods will help you to maintain the balance so you can lose that unwanted fat. She says that the biggest culprit is sugar. Most of us eat too much sugar every day. The author supplies all the tools to help change the way you look at food. She also says that exercising is an important part of losing weight. There is a section in the book that explains all of the exercises and how to do them correctly. I have joined a gym with my mom and it has helped me stay motivated but you can do them at home. There is a section in the book with some recipes to help you get started. I recommend this book for anyone who wants some motivation to get started.

    Check out the article posted on the AOL fitness site.

    The book even made it to the New York Times Best Seller List this week.


    Thanks to the folks at Hachette Book Group I can giveaway 3 copies of the book-

    US or Canada only.
    No Po Boxes.
    Prize will be sent by the publisher.


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    +1 entry for Twitter Follow @ginger_high
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    Win a copy of This is why You're Fat by J Warner #Giveaway from @ginger_high Enter here Ends May 26th
    +3 entries for blogging about contest (post link)
    +2 For grabbing my button- Please leave the link to the site to be counted.

    Contest ends May 26th at 12mn Eastern

    Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book by the Hachette Book Group for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

    Monday, May 10, 2010


    Clean, Green, and Lean: Get Rid of the Toxins That Make You Fat
    Want to lose weight without starving yourself, counting calories, or following a complex meal plan? Would you like to look and feel stronger and healthier than you have in years—exercise optional? How about transforming your health in just four weeks and helping to save the planet in the process? Find out how by reading Clean, Green, and Lean.

    In this clear, easy-to-understand guide to getting slim, healthy, and toxin-free, naturopathic physician Dr. Walter Crinnion shows you how to clean up your diet, clean out your body, and rid your home of the toxins that surround you. Many of your nagging health problems will melt away with the pounds, including fatigue, aches and pains, allergies, and depression.

    Clean, Green, and Lean shows you why conventional weight-loss programs don't deliver or can't sustain the results you're looking for and how the toxin-fat connection prevents you from losing weight no matter how little you eat or how much you exercise. You'll learn how reducing your toxic burden can help you stay lean for life. Dr. Crinnion helps you determine whether your weight gain is toxin-related and prescribes several cleansing methods and toxin-fighting supplements to rid your body of heavy metals and other poisons. Could it be your house that's making you fat? Dr. Crinnion helps you identify sources of toxic chemicals, allergens, and poisons in your home where you might least expect them. You'll learn how to remove and dispose of them safely, keep new toxins out, and make your home as clean and green as it can be.

    Clean, Green, and Lean contains healthy, delicious, clean, green recipes and two weeks of meal plans for lean breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. These nutritious and satisfying meals will keep your stomach full, your body toxin-free, and your body and mind working at peak efficiency.

    Filled with inspiring, true-life stories of people who have lost weight, healed their bodies, and turned their lives around following Dr. Crinnion's four-week plan, Clean, Green, and Lean is the groundbreaking book you need to slim down, clean up, and start enjoying life again.Check out the Recipe from the book, and there are many more recipes listed in the back.

    Healthy Italian Wedding Soup

    (Serves 4)
    ½ package lean ground turkey
    4 Jennie-O Italian Turkey Sausage links, sliced
    Spike seasoning to taste
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    1 package gluten-free pasta spirals
    8 cups water
    32 ounces organic vegetable broth
    1 14½-ounce can organic tomatoes
    3 cups organic frozen spinach
    1 teaspoon onion powder

    In a large sauté pan, brown the turkey. Season with the Spike, drain, and set aside. Place the sausage in a sauté pan, season with the Spike, and brown. Add the sea salt to a large pot of water and bring to a boil. Stir in the pasta and cook according to the package directions. Drain the pasta and set aside. In a large soup pot, heat the water and the broth, tomatoes, and spinach. Add the turkey, sausage, and onion powder, and stir until a low boil is attained. Reduce the heat simmer and stir in the pasta. Cover, simmer for about 30 minutes, and serve.
    The above is an excerpt from the book Clean, Green, and Lean: Get Rid of the Toxins That Make You Fat by Dr. Walter Crinnion. The above excerpt is a digitally scanned reproduction of text from print. Although this excerpt has been proofread, occasional errors may appear due to the scanning process. Please refer to the finished book for accuracy.

    About the Author-

    Dr. Walter Crinnion is one of America's foremost authorities on environmental medicine. A naturopathic physician, he is the director of the Environmental Medicine Center of Excellence at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Arizona and chair of the Environmental Medicine Department. He is a close colleague of Dr. Peter D'Adamo, author of the monumental bestseller Eat Right 4 Your Type.

    Reprinted by permission of the publisher, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., from Clean, Green & Lean, by Walter Crinnion. Copyright © 2010 by Walter Crinnion
    My Thoughts-
    When I agreed to review the book, I thought it was just another diet book. Boy was I wrong. I never realized how much toxins are out there and the book explains how we can get rid of them safely. I decided to give the information presented in the book a try. My mom and I went shopping and started to read the nutrition information while we shopped. The food we were eating was loaded with preservatives and other harmful ingredients. We thought that we were eating right. The author mentions in the book to cut out milk and since I love milk that will never happen. All the information presented was well researched and the book was easy to read. So far we have been following the guidelines in the book for fifteen days and we both have more energy. The fourteen day menu plan was helpful and there was a section that provided resources if we needed more information on a topic. I wonder how we will feel when we follow the program for thirty days?

    Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from FSB Associates for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review

    Saturday, April 17, 2010



    There's Always a Way: How to Develop a Positive Mindset and Succeed in Business and LifeIn the book There's Always a Way: How to Develop a Positive Mindset and Succeed in Business and Life,  Tony tells us about his life story. We always see Tony with his Ponytail and shouting "You can do it" but his life has not always been easy. He had run-ins with the law and his mother sent him away to live with his uncle. While he was there he became a successful body builder. His whole life changed when he had a car accident. He had numerous surgeries and his body building dream was put on hold. He was in the worst shape and he gained over 50 lbs. He had to change his life. He is living proof that you can always achieve what you want in life.

    In his book he explains:

    1. Tony explains how to use fears and insecurities to sharpen one's selling game and build self-confidence.
    2. Tony demonstrates dynamite secrets for self-motivation, overcoming negativity, and thinking out of the box.
    3. Tony explains how to build a positive mind set, create a buzz, exploit humor, find a niche, set goals, ask the right questions, close the sale, make the customer into a star, achieve peak selling performance, and turn oneself into a lean, mean selling machine.
    4. Having grown his business in a tough market, Tony explains how to stand out in these down times.
    My Thoughts-

    When I started to read the book, I thought that this was just another book by a celebrity. Boy was I wrong. I had seen him on TV and he always had such energy. In reading the book I found out things about him I did not know. The book was well written and I enjoyed the photos. There was a wealth of information that can help you succeed and the information was presented in an upbeat way. That is what I would have expected from Tony. I recommend this book to everyone to help you make a positive change in your life.


    Thanks to the author and SSA public Relations I am able to give away a copy of this great book.


    +1 entry for a comment
    +3 entry for Google follow ( Google Connect on right- it pays to follow me)
    +1 for sharing on facebook ( use share button below)
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    +2 for tweeting about the contest(please leave link to be counted)
    +2 entries for blogging about contest (post link)
    +2 For grabbing my button- Please leave the link to the site to be counted.

    Contest ends on May 2 at 12mn Eastern

    Thanks for reading and good luck-

    Disclaimer: I was given a free book from SSA Public Relations for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.
    Thanks to the Product Review Place for listing this opportunity on their blog.

    Friday, April 16, 2010


    Wake Up! You're Probably Never Going to Look Like That ... How to be Happier, Healthier and Imperfectly Fit

    In Wake Up! You're Probably Never Going to Look Like That . How to be Happier, Healthier and Imperfectly Fit the author Michelle Pearl talks about her experiences with weight loss. She had suffered with being overweight most of her life and she learned how to overcome it. The book talks about calories, weight loss, plastic surgery, eating disorders, pills and other interesting topics. She discussed some "Myths" of weight loss and how some programs may be teaching people the incorrect way of losing weight. I did find that there were some negative comments about other weight loss programs in the book. Whether they are true or not everyone has their own opinions. Throughout the book there are testimonies from people who were able to overcome obesity and get fit. I found the book interesting and there was a wealth of information.

    The book has three objectives: To teach us about some of the mistruths about weight loss that we are constantly being bombarded with, to give realistic advice on how to lose and keep off the weight and finally to encourage you to have realistic body expectations to help you succeed. There are no exercise or diet programs to follow in the book but the author provides the tools to help you lose weight. There are charts and tips to help explain what the author is saying and the book was easy to read. There is information that everyone could find useful. Check out the authors website where you can download customized  dance fitness videos to help with your fitness journey.

    Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the author and Westwind Communications for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010


    In the book The Serotonin Power Diet , the authors explain how boosting serotonin can help curb your appetite and change your mood. Carbohydrates trigger Serotonin production in the brain and this can be used to your advantage. We all have a lot of stress in our lives that can cause us to binge eat and gain weight. The book has a section that helps us deal with stress and gives very useful tips in how we can manage it. There are many recipes that are in the book, but my favorite was the Asian chicken wrap. I have lost 5 lbs. on the program and I feel good about myself. The book also stresses that exercise is a major part in weight loss and there is a chapter dedicated to it.

    The book was easy to read, and gave us real life examples of people who shared their temptations and what strategies they used to overcome them. I have always thought that eating to many carbs caused you to gain weight, but if they are eaten at the right time and in moderation they can actually help you lose weight. The plan provides a 12 week guide that not only tells you what to do but why you are doing it. I recommend the program to everyone who needs a jump start to lose weight correctly and for good.

    Disclaimer- I received a free copy from FSB Associates for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010


    I just finished reading Quick and Easy Tips to Lose Weight by G. Salgado Chavez and I found the information presented concise and easy to read. She presented some statistics that I would like to share with you.

    • 28% of all Americans have hypertension.

    • 64% of people in the US are overweight or obese.

    • 1 in 4 children are obese.

    • Obesity in children has doubled in the last 10years.

    • 1.1million Americans have a heart attack every year.

    • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will develop cancer.

    • There are more listed in the book.

    The book is for any person who has been struggling to lose weight and is looking for a permanent solution to keep the pounds off, and intends to boost their health to optimum levels. These tips are as practical as they are easy to do, and they can help anyone feel better, and gain strength, balance and energy. Written in reader-friendly prose, Chavez’s book takes a holistic and modern view of weight loss, addressing stress factors, chemical toxicity, movement and proper nutrition, as well as diet. Whether readers want to shed a few pounds or many, Quick and Easy Tips to Lose Weight is the sensible and effective way to do it.

    View the Video

    About the Author-

    Georgina Salgado Chavez holds degrees in naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and hypnotherapy. Specializing in consultations and lectures, she has been featured on ABC News, iparenting, and more. She lives with her family in Chicago, Ill.

    My thoughts-

    I have always been a fan of a book that was concise and easy to read. The book is only 60 pages long and has a lot of worthwhile information in it. There was one section on parasites that was too descriptive but the information presented was correct. Stress affects us every day and there is a chapter in the book that defines the types of stress and how it can affect any age group. There are forty nine tips that are mentioned that can be useful in your weight loss program and everyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle would benefit from reading this book.

    Disclaimer- I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.

    Thursday, January 28, 2010


    Free From Perfect by Eileen Palazzolo was born from the author's struggle with self-image, weight and eating habits that turned into eating disorders that affected her life.

    In the book, she discusses key points that include-

    • Control (or lack of control) and how it affects your eating habits.
    • Happiness and self-esteem.
    • Your body and how you perceive your body.
    • Stress, overeating and willpower.
    • Influences from commercialism (magazines, TV shows, celebrities and fads).
    • Binge eating- Have you ever eaten a whole box of cookies and  never realized that you   did it? This topic is discussed fully in the book.
    • Deterrents that prevent weight loss.
    • Fear of failure.
    • Mental well-being (self-forgiveness and acceptance of yourself.)
    • Food and your desire to lose weight. (Dietary guidelines discussed fully.)
    • Short and long term weight loss and maintenance goals.
    • Exercise, cosmetic surgery and numbers.

    The author ties all of these key points together in a program that combines the physical and mental aspects of losing weight. The author recommended keeping a journal and she has sections that ask you question about your feelings at that time. In reading the book, I found out things about myself that I was unaware of. I recommend that if you start any weight loss program you discuss it with your doctor especially if you have health issues. She also says that you must exercise. She included tips to help you stay motivated and feel good about your-self. The book was easy to read and I recommend it to anyone who needs assistance in their weight loss struggle.

    About the Author-
    Eileen has been running her"Free" program for several years in Southern NH where she is also a fitness and gymnastic instructor. After recovering from an eating disorder, she realized that she had to help others overcome  society's view of perfection. She is not a nutritionist,psychologist, physician or a physiologist but an ordinary person.

    Free From Perfect
    January 30, 2010
    Eileen Palazzolo
    Publishing Works, Inc.
    ISBN-13:  978-1-933002-10-1
    Paperback 7X9, 176 pgs.

    This book was provided free of any obligation by Publishing Works, Inc. No monetary or any other form of compensation was received.

    Publishing Works was launched in 2003 as an independent press specializing in regional titles. Since then, the company has grown dramatically to embody a list of titles that spans diverse genres, age levels, and subject matter. Please visit them at their website,, or view their catalog for a complete list of titles.
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