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Thursday, January 28, 2010


Free From Perfect by Eileen Palazzolo was born from the author's struggle with self-image, weight and eating habits that turned into eating disorders that affected her life.

In the book, she discusses key points that include-

• Control (or lack of control) and how it affects your eating habits.
• Happiness and self-esteem.
• Your body and how you perceive your body.
• Stress, overeating and willpower.
• Influences from commercialism (magazines, TV shows, celebrities and fads).
• Binge eating- Have you ever eaten a whole box of cookies and  never realized that you   did it? This topic is discussed fully in the book.
• Deterrents that prevent weight loss.
• Fear of failure.
• Mental well-being (self-forgiveness and acceptance of yourself.)
• Food and your desire to lose weight. (Dietary guidelines discussed fully.)
• Short and long term weight loss and maintenance goals.
• Exercise, cosmetic surgery and numbers.

The author ties all of these key points together in a program that combines the physical and mental aspects of losing weight. The author recommended keeping a journal and she has sections that ask you question about your feelings at that time. In reading the book, I found out things about myself that I was unaware of. I recommend that if you start any weight loss program you discuss it with your doctor especially if you have health issues. She also says that you must exercise. She included tips to help you stay motivated and feel good about your-self. The book was easy to read and I recommend it to anyone who needs assistance in their weight loss struggle.

About the Author-
Eileen has been running her"Free" program for several years in Southern NH where she is also a fitness and gymnastic instructor. After recovering from an eating disorder, she realized that she had to help others overcome  society's view of perfection. She is not a nutritionist,psychologist, physician or a physiologist but an ordinary person.

Free From Perfect
January 30, 2010
Eileen Palazzolo
Publishing Works, Inc.
ISBN-13:  978-1-933002-10-1
Paperback 7X9, 176 pgs.

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1 comment:

  1. As a binge eater, I would really like to read this book.

    I follow.


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