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Friday, November 23, 2012


Title: The Walnut Tree
Charles Todd
William Morrow

Date Published: 
October 30, 2012
Purchase Book:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble

About the Book:

"I was in Paris the day the French Army was mobilized."

In 1914, while visiting her friend Madeleine, Lady Elspeth Douglas's life is thrown into chaos when war breaks out and the Germans quickly overrun Belgium, threatening France. Having just agreed to marry Alain, Madeleine's dashing brother, Lady Elspeth watches him leave to join his unit, and then she sets out for England, only to find herself trapped on the French coast.
Caught amid a sea of stranded travelers, terrified refugees, and wounded men overflowing the port of Calais, the restless Elspeth—daughter of a Highland aristocrat whose distinguished family can trace its roots back to the court of Mary, Queen of Scots—decides to make herself useful, carrying water to weary soldiers near the Front. It is an act of charity that almost gets her killed when enemy shells begin to explode around her.
To her rescue comes Captain Peter Gilchrist, who pulls her away from the battle and leads her to safety. But before they can properly say good-bye, Elspeth and Peter are separated.
Back in London, surrounded by familiar comforts, Elspeth is haunted by the horrors she witnessed in France. She also cannot forget the gallant Peter Gilchrist, even though she has promised herself to Alain.
Transformed by her experience, Elspeth goes to London and enrolls in a nursing course, where she meets a fellow nurse in training, Bess Crawford. It is a daring move, made without the consent of Elspeth's guardian, her cousin Kenneth, a high-handed man with rigid notions of class and femininity.
Yet Elspeth Douglas is a woman with a mind of her own, which—as she herself says—is a blessing and a curse. She is determined to return to the battlefields of France to do her part . . . and to find the man she has no right to love, no matter how far Cousin Kenneth may go to stop her. But before she can set things right with Alain, he goes missing and then Peter is gravely wounded. In a world full of terror and uncertainty, can the sweetness of love survive or will Elspeth's troubled heart become another casualty of this terrible war?
A poignant, compelling tale brimming with adventure, danger, and love, The Walnut Tree is an enchanting holiday gift and a wonderful companion to Charles Todd's acclaimed Bess Crawford series.

My thoughts:

 A wonderful historical holiday tale that includes romance and a little bit of mystery. Elspeth Douglas decides visit her friend in Paris and she starts a relationship with her friend's brother.  When he is shipped off to war, she returns to England and falls in love with Peter.  Although she has a high social status she decides to become a nurse and return to France to assist the soldiers. I really enjoyed the book. It was full of memorable characters, scenes and a plot that was interesting. This is the first book that I had read by the authors and will not be my last. I highly recommend the book. 

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


  1. I have this book in my TBR pile and am now looking forward to reading it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. This sounds like a fabulous read! And wow! I love the cover!!

  3. I like this review of this book the Walnut Tree by Charles Todd. This is just the type of book that I love to read! The story is riveting and very interesting. I would like to read this book to find out everything about what happens to the characters!

  4. Sounds like a great book! I love when books are more than just a love story, a like a little mystery too! It keeps you interested!

  5. I've been looking for romance/mystery books for my elderly lady friend, who happens to be a WWI buff. She's very sentimental, and this holiday book will be right up her alley!

  6. Such heartwrenching stories, some of these types...but I love them! Thanks for the review, I will be checking this one out next! Just in time for the holidays. (Love the cover also)

  7. Sounds like a great book to read! I will recommend it to my Mom.

  8. i love books like this it got me hooked by just reading the excerpt.

  9. Seems like it would be a good read. The setting is perfect to get me intrigued, France.

  10. This sounds like a good book. I like books that have a little bit of history to them. Thanks for the review.

  11. This might be a book that both my husband and I would enjoy. I like romance and he likes historical!


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