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Monday, November 12, 2012


I have always been a fan of Purex products and have depended on them to get my clothes clean and fresh. Thanks to the Purex Insiders, I got the opportunity to try the Purex plus Oxi laundry detergent. Let me tell yo a little about the product.

The laundry detergent works on over 101 stains due to the added Zout stain remover. It can be used as a pretreater and works in all machines. It has a fresh sent and is available in Fresh Morning Burst.

My Thoughts-

My family recently was affected by Hurricane Sandy and my in-laws house was flooded. They had over 4 feet of water inside including dirt and sand. We spend all day cleaning and many of our clothes were covered with mud. This was the perfect test for the detergent. I decided to take to clothes to a laundromat because of the amount of dirt on the clothes. I was tempted to throw them out but I wanted to give the liquid laundry detergent a try. I pre-treated all of the items and they came out great and smelled better than the musty smell from the salt water. I am impressed with the detergent and I will continue to use it in my household.

Thanks to Purex, I am am to giveaway2 coupons for a full size bottle of the bottle.
Contest ends on 11/22/12 @11:59pm EST. See Rafflecopter for rules.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given a free sample of the product for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your review! I am going to try it and see if it works for baby food!


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