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Sunday, January 18, 2015


 Because I love coffee and tea, I am prone to stained teeth. I have tried whitening toothpaste, and dental strips but they did not work very well for me. Let me introduce you to the Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening System.

Complete set with one impression made.
Smile Brilliant provides lab direct, custom-fitted teeth whitening trays and whitening gel from the comforts of home. There is no need to visit a dentist and spend $600+ on the same professional teeth whitening service.

 Everything I needed came in the Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening kit. The teeth molding process was easy. I rubbed together two putties that were sent to me in the whitening kit. They were two different colors, and when mixed together, they activated and began to harden.  



I put the putty into blue trays and carefully bit down on the material to make impressions. The instructions were easy to follow and if you made a mistake there was additional putty to make another impression. I let the impressions harden overnight, and then mailed them back to Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening in the envelope provided.

A week later I received 2 custom fitted trays that fit my teeth perfectly. After reading the instructions, I filled the trays with the whitening gel and placed them in my mouth. You cannot even see that the trays are in my mouth unless you look closely but boy did I talk funny! 


 At first, I could not keep the trays in for more than 30 minutes due to some gum sensitivity. Included in the kit were some desensitizing gel that did help with the sensitivity. After discussing the problem with the representative from the company, I decided to use the product every other day and I was able to keep the trays on longer. It is recommended to keep the trays on for 20 minutes to 3 hours. Using the desensitizing gel was very beneficial and had a great taste. I used the system every other day for approx 2 weeks and I was impressed with the results. I still have some gel for touch ups in the future.I keep the gels in the refrigerator as recommended by the manufacturer and both gels feel better on my teeth and my gums.


Prize = $139.95 store credit which is equal to our Teeth Whitening Trays + 3 whitening gel syringes and 3 desensitizing gel syringes or the Teeth whitening Trays + 6 whitening gel syringes.  The winner will be given a code to use at checkout and they can change the selection but they will have to pay the difference.

Contest ends on 2/17/15-


I was given a teeth whitening kit for my honest review and I was not compensated in any way.


1 comment:

  1. I'm usually so skeptical about these things. It's nice to see an actual review. This might be one to try.


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