It is a phrase that has become very familiar to collectors. Whether you are a collector of fine books, antique watches, baseball cards, or comic books, you are always looking for your treasures in mint condition. To be in mint condition, that special something must be of the highest quality. The best of the best.
Taking that idea and running with it, Ambannon Books has collected the very best in brand new, never-before-seen short stories, creative nonfiction, poems, and artwork. The book is an amazing anthology spanning all genres and themes. The sixteen short stories and poems were written exclusively by members of the largest Stephen King fan site on the internet,, but please let it be known that the Stephen King connection stops there. This is not fan fiction, or a tribute to his work. Each entry in the anthology will include its own specific artwork, as my staff and I have sought out the best and most talented artists currently working in the business.
Join us on a journey through sixteen stories and poems of unspeakable horrors, inspirational bravery, alternate realities, and the dark side of things that seem so familiar, yet are simply waiting to consume you.
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My Thoughts:
When I received the book, I was intrigued by the cover as well as all of the artwork included. The book includes a collection of poems, short stories and nonfiction from talented authors that I really enjoyed. All of the material in the book was well written, fascinating, and included material that was horrifying, as well as inspirational. My favorite was "The Receptionist" by Bob Ireland because it was so creepy,and the ending was unexpected. So if you like short stories and poems this is the book for you. But I have to warn you that one of the stories included some profanity and the storyline was extremely dark and evil.
Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.
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