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Monday, July 22, 2013


Join Daitoku Daiichi, author of the adult drama novel, The Wonderful Adventures of Godfrey and Chucky: Hot Spring, as he tours the blogosphere July 1 - July 26, 2013 on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!



Godfrey is young, wealthy and able-bodied. He has all the women you can imagine, and unbelievably deep pockets. But Godfrey wants more. His Great Greatness wants to rid the world of a menacing scourge, and restore what is truly superior to an elevated position. Why would anyone stop him? Who could possibly stop him?
The Wonderful Adventures
Chucky arrives as the new assistant, and tries to perform every duty that is handed to him. What challenges for a dull servant! Look at him muddling through! With passports of exclusive privilege, the two adventurers make a splash in tropical Langkawi, where the water is blue and the girls are brown. Then they rendezvous with the locals in Singapore, where pleasures are plentiful and multicolored. Food and money are found in piles. Life in a global city should be, possibly, one of uninterrupted leisure…shouldn’t it?

Desire is a seductively red piece of jade, which resides even in our dreams.

Purchase your copy at:


Inspired by English and Japanese gardens, Daitoku Daiichi is committed to sharing scenes of beauty with his readers. He hopes that through the mansion-like device of the novel, he can host a tea party to serve his readers exotic delights. In the day, he is a tutor, essayist, gourmet and world traveler. People somehow love to share their secrets with him, and he wants use his gifts of perception to tell innovative stories. Check out his works at:


Just like Master Gawd’s fast car, this big bird-like thing has seatbelts. We watched a TV program where the Singapore Airlines girls, called SIA girls, showed us how to evacuate in the event of an emergency. I looked around and noticed that very few people were paying attention to the TV program, and my master himself was alternating his gaze between the dinner menu and the SIA girls that walked down the aisle. From the behavior of my fellow passengers, I could only conclude that air emergencies did not happen very frequently, so I felt reassured. They sound quite scary, these emergencies.
My master proclaimed, “They should have given us bigger seats, don’t you think. There’s just barely enough space for me to stretch my legs. What if one of those hot girls comes to sit on my lap?” He slouched forward and wiggled his feet.
“They seem to be busy standing up and walking about to get us things, master,” I replied, trying to defend the air servants.
“We might even have been short-changed, Chucky. Look at this picture,” said master, pointing to the Krisflyer magazine. “They got these first-class seats where you can like, lie down and roll about. That’s the way it should be, don’t you think?”
“Yes, master. I guess they only have it for the bigger planes.”
“They gave us a small plane, Chucky. This sucks.”
I was feeling a little upset because my master was not too satisfied with our business class seats. It is very important that servants work hard for the sake of higher authorities. I was actually quite happy that we could get tickets just like that with our credit card, but I did not dare to mention it to my master in case he would get angry. Usually when I book the train in the Eastern Heaven, I have to make reservations beforehand.
Now, I was expecting this to be an unpleasant flight for my master, but it turned out that things went the other way. The SIA ladies started to walk down the aisle and gave us these strange-looking black things wrapped in a see-through bag. There was one lady on Master’s aisle, wearing the interesting dress with the shape of the female body and hair rolled up into a bun with a neat, shiny side-parting. There was one lady on my aisle too, wearing the same interesting dress with the shape of the female body and hair rolled up into a bun with a neat, shiny side-parting. Both had a mild smile on their faces and were walking down the aisles at about the same speed. When the lady walking down Master Gawd’s aisle met Master Gawd, her smile widened and she started talking a lot in a loud voice. Master Gawd greeted her and introduced himself as ‘Great Godfrey’, and she chuckled and introduced herself as ‘Mindy Wong’. Master mentioned that it was his ‘first time on your wonderful airline’ and she proceeded to explain to Master that she was giving him headsets for entertainment and that her beautiful dress was called the Sarong Kebaya. Her English pronunciation was not the most clear and I think I might have heard ‘headsex’ but I probably was mistaken. From my master’s reaction and smiling face, the lady must have been quite beautiful and pleasing to his taste.
When the lady walking down my aisle met me, her already-thin smile almost vanished. She took out a yellow piece of headset and passed it to me in silence before moving on really quickly. The yellow headset felt a little tight as I spread it around my ears. I was fumbling about with the controls while Master Gawd was already fully plugged in and flipping through the channels. Then the most mysterious thing happened: the same SIA girl whom I saw just a short while ago comes down the aisle once again. This time she looked at me, with the same face as before, and spoke:
“I’m sorry sir, my colleague just now gave you the wrong headset, which is for children. Here is the correct one.” She passed me a black headset just like the one everybody else had.
I am blinking my eyes looking at this same SIA girl who I saw moments ago. I think the take-off is making me imagine things, don’t you think?
“Is there anything else I can get you, sir?”
“Sorry…I mean no. Well, I don’t know, it’s my first time. Never mind.” I stammered.
The colleague who looked the same as the same-looking colleague I met before, walked off briskly, leaving me to my confusion. Perhaps this is what the ancient sages call ‘mystery of mysteries’.
When I was going to the washroom, the curtain happened to be drawn and down the aisle I noticed a whole new area to the aircraft with many people inside. The seats looked smaller than ours, and every seat had someone in it. They were being served by a male steward, and when I asked him what this area was, he stared at me with a confused look, and replied “This is economy class, sir.” I felt somewhat relieved that I was not the only confused man on the aircraft. This economy class seems to be quite popular though.
Our dinner was served to us in small boxes. Master Gawd exchanged many words and glances with Mindy. I was not used to the descent to Changi Airport, so I threw up into the throw-up bag. I felt a bit embarrassed, but Master Gawd did not seem to mind.

The Wonderful World of Godfrey and Chucky Virtual Book Publicity Tour Schedule

Wednesday, July 3 - 1st chapter reveal at Mom with a Kindle

Friday, July 5 - Interviewed at Literal Exposure

Monday, July 8 - Interviewed at Examiner

Wednesday, July 10 - Book featured at My Devotional Thoughts

Friday, July 12 - Interviewed at Review From Here

Wednesday, July 17 - Book featured at Read 2 Review

Monday, July 22 - Book review and 1st chapter reveal at splashesofjoy

Wednesday, July 24 - 1st chapter reveal at Books R Us

Thursday, July 25 - Book featured at Mary's Cup of Tea

Friday, July 26 - Book featured at My Cozie Corner

Friday, July 26 - Book featured at Authors and Readers Book Corner

Friday, July 26 - Book featured at Musings by Maureen


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