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Come and join us on this great giveaway
"Getting ready for Summer"
We will have 3 winners, all prizes will be ordered and shipped from Toysrus.com

Prize #1 Any bike up to $150 (kids or adult/Safety accessories not included)

Prize #2 Step2-Touring-Wagon-Functions Value $119 (if not available winner can pick another wagon up to $119)

Here are the details to sign up:
-Free Link (Twitter or Pinterest)
Announcement is require or you have to pay a waver fee of $5.00
Please get your announcement here.(Please read the sign up form on the top to know if we still have free space available)
-Link/ or extra links $4.00 each (if the free spots are gone, to be part of this giveaway you will need to pay $4.00 for each link you want on the giveaway)
-Co-Host $20.00
The co-host get 2 host page.
10 links on the RC.
No announcement require.
This is cool, thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteSuch a nice giveaway, cool :=)
ReplyDeleteI wish I was blogging already so I can participate is sharingthese goodies with readers....hopefully before the end of the year!
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaways! I look forward to participating and maybe even winning!