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Wednesday, September 19, 2012


About the Book:

Surrounded by a loving family, relatives, and friends, Keisha is a small-town girl on the move up to her proper place in society, or is she?

In Keisha's Killing, by Delores Dudley, it is tempting to name all that is wrong in the world right now, where the brief snap of a finger may be all it takes to change the course of one person's life. Yet in Keisha, there is that aspect of life, too, that may yet redeem and make up for all the dark notions of living, almost to the point of making them too accidental to be of real consequence.

Find out how a little girl's unassuming life unfolds as she ventures outside of the little world she has known, where a deceptively simple turn of events could pose a situation that would challenge the things she has believed all her life.

My Thoughts

I enjoyed the book. At first I thought it was a mystery but it turned out to be more of a biography of a young girl Keisha and all the problems she had to face. She was a victim of a terrible crime in the beginning of the book and the author describes Keisha's life and the events leading up to the event. There were happy as well as emotional events throughout the book that kept me interested. It was a short and easy to read novel.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of the book as a member of the Dorrance Publishing Review Team. Visit to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team. 


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