The Seven Steps to Knowing Yourself
Keep in mind, that no matter who we
are, we are all works-in-progress. Though these seven steps will help to get you
started along the right path for knowing yourself, self-discovery is a
process that lasts a lifetime.
Step 1: Spend Some Quality Time With Yourself Every Day
To get to know yourself, then you need
to spend some good quality time with just you.
True, we all have busy lives, and it isn’t always easy to find time for
yourself, but consider it something you cannot afford not to do. Everyone needs to make the time to be
alone, with pen-in-hand, (making a list of everything that you know you want
in life).
your own behavior patterns, is an important part of getting to know
yourself. Just as important, however, is
observing the types of people in your life.
People have a tremendous influence on your path, and can either help to
build you up along the way, or can tear you down, keeping you from your greater
potential and dreams realization.
As you get to know yourself, it is
important that you learn to listen to your inner-voice, or intuition (as it is
often called). I have been using and
listening to my own inner-voice for the larger part of my life, by visualizing
what I want out of life.
Step 2: Write in a Journal Every Day
Head out to the business supply store
or stationary store at your next opportunity, and pick up a journal or notebook
– not a diary, planner or scheduler.
There is a difference between these types of tools.
You can also write about dreams – both
those you dream during sleep-time, and those you daydream while you are awake –
express your feelings, and allow yourself to use your intuition to its fullest.
(Your journal will be the perfect place for you to take down your guiding
beliefs, thoughts and action patterns, the things that get you stuck, and the
new things you’ve developed).
This is one of the most effective ways
to become aware of yourself, and integrate your experiences into a recognition
of who you are and who you are capable of being. It will not be long into your
journal-writing, that you discover that there are certain patterns in your life
that repeat. This can include different
thoughts , behaviors and revelations, (some that may even occasionally
remind you of your parents and other important people in your life).
Step 3: Identify Your Support System
Your next step is to discover the counselors,
religious representatives, guides, teachers, helpers, and mentors, who can help
you along the way, on your journey.
Though it is important, to a degree,
to be independent, self-sufficient, and autonomous, this does not mean
that we can NEVER seek out others for support in our lives. If you are unable to look outside of
yourself, then you will only struggle for your entire life.
Step 4: Learn from the People Around You
We learn the most about ourselves when
we learn about the people around us. In this sense, when you are trying to
discover who you are, where you are headed in life, and how you are going to
get there, one of the steps that you will need to take, is to consider what you
can learn from the people you spend time with.
Consider all of the people you know,
including friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, and all of the other
people you have gotten to know throughout your life. Write down this list so that you can use
it for reference. Then, think about
each person individually, and consider what you have already learned, and
still can learn from each of these people.
Step 5: Read and Listen
Investigate the specific issues,
relationships, spiritual growth, and healing that affect you, by reading books
and listening to tapes and CD’s by wise teachers and inspirational muses. You are fortunate in that you live in a time
that is filled with information readily available to everyone.
Everywhere you look, there are
self-help books, websites, workshops, and lectures that you can attend
in-person, online, or that can be recorded and watched later. There are teachers out there who have
researched and dealt with just about every imaginable problem and life issue,
you can dream up!
Step 6: Take Positive Risks
Once you have gathered information
about yourself and how to deal with your specific issues, take the chance to
talk about yourself and your problems with others. You have already been expressing yourself
with your journal, looking into your goals, dreams, values, insights, etc, and
now the time has come, to take this awareness to a new level!
This step often takes a great deal of
courage. Recognizing yourself on your
own is still relatively safe, but without putting your ideas into practice, and
offering them to others, to get a new perspective and make them work for you,
you will not be able to use all of your discoveries and self-revelation
Each of your new choices will help you
to better learn what works for you, and what does not. It is therefore time to take a few positive
risks to allow yourself to continue moving forward.
Step 7: Enjoy Knowing Yourself
Oddly enough, as noble a pursuit as self-knowledge
may be, there is still a tendency amongst us all to feel guilty when we begin
understanding ourselves to the degree that we can take our lives in a
positive-change or improvement type direction.
This is the time when you are actually able to consciously create your
life, so that you achieve the results that you want.
This often brings about comments from
others such as “you are so lucky,” and “things always work out for you”. Since you haven not exactly been advertising
your efforts toward self knowledge, it may indeed look as though luck has
suddenly been smiling on you. However,
you will know that you have made a very
large change in your life that has meant that you are more prepared to achieve
what is right for you.
About The Book:
“Beautiful Ambition. My Secrets to Love, Happiness and Success”, author
Tara Brooke describes her painful childhood, her parents’ divorce, her
mother’s ill health, and the bullying and humiliation she endured at the
many different schools she was forced to attend because of their many
moves. Never settling for the life she was born into and training
herself to believe in the impossible, through hard work and
self-discipline Tara set out on a path of personal growth and
Please visit Tara's Website to learn more about Tara and her book.
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