I would like to welcome Christopher Fritschi to Books R Us. Christopher is the author of the Hero - The Unknown Territories. Thanks for stopping by.
Ideas From Under the Bed
by Christopher Fritschi
Lots of people ask me where all these ideas come
from and for the longest time I'd just smirk stupidly and say I didn't
know, or even worse, 'it just came to me.'
A short time ago I
was enduring a traffic filled drive home from work and wondering how
much I could sell a car mounted vaporing ray gun for when I my mind
flashed on my old bedroom from when I was a kid. Yeah, it doesn't make
sense to me either, but it's how my mind works.
When I was a kid my dad was watching a documentary
about the birth of special effects in movies using double exposure. I
came into the room at the worse moment. They showed a clip a man get
into bed. No sooner had he laid down than a giant tarantula climbed out
from under the bed and pounced on him.
I was scared for life. And they say documentaries are educational. Ha!
that moment on I was terrified of spiders and what ever lurked under my
bed. What was worse was that my bed was at the opposite end from the
light switch. Every night when I turned off the light I imagined some
new creature poised under my bed just waiting for my tender feet to come
within reach. The only reason I survived was from developing the
'bedroom broad jump'. You can pretty much guess what that was. With all
that practice I could have been an Olympic star.
Returning to the traffic part of my story; I
realized that the imagination that stock piled the three ring circus of
monsters dwelling under my bed was now playing the part of an
archeologist and now digging up that wealth of critters, places,
and miscellaneous what-not. Combining all of that with my own life
experiences, the history of ancient lore from around the world, myths,
human nature and like that the result takes form as vivid characters
with real lives, common and spectacular places and dangers of every
All of them are in my mind, shoving each other for a place in line waiting to be told.
there you have it. The next time someone asks me where my ideas come
from I have one less reason to smirk stupidly. Only 53 other reasons
About the book:
In a world filled with a parade of dangers the only answer is a hero.
Handsome, rich, adored and with perfect teeth, Tilger is a professional
But Tilger takes on a bet with a wizard and is transformed from the pinnacle of manliness to a scrawny, ugly, weakling. He loses everything - his powers, his looks, his armor and his weapons. With the body of a wimp and the ego of a superhuman, Tilger embarks on the most important crusade of his life to win it all back.
With the help of two unlikely sidekicks, a minuscule inventor, Standback, and his faithful warhorse Sho, Tilger must overcome the greatest fear of all - failure.
It's an adventure littered with terrifying creatures, bravery, friendship and a truly horrifying and omnipotent rival.
'Hero - the Unknown Territories' is an epic fantasy adventure with a refreshing blend of humor and honesty, suitable for all ages, from older children to adults.
But Tilger takes on a bet with a wizard and is transformed from the pinnacle of manliness to a scrawny, ugly, weakling. He loses everything - his powers, his looks, his armor and his weapons. With the body of a wimp and the ego of a superhuman, Tilger embarks on the most important crusade of his life to win it all back.
With the help of two unlikely sidekicks, a minuscule inventor, Standback, and his faithful warhorse Sho, Tilger must overcome the greatest fear of all - failure.
It's an adventure littered with terrifying creatures, bravery, friendship and a truly horrifying and omnipotent rival.
'Hero - the Unknown Territories' is an epic fantasy adventure with a refreshing blend of humor and honesty, suitable for all ages, from older children to adults.
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