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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Do you ever find that you have no energy to keep up with your kids? I know I have. Recently I had the pleasure to read a different type of fitness book called Fit Moms For Life: How To Have Endless Energy To Outplay Your Kids by Dustin Maher

In the book you will discover:
  1. 31 transformation stories from real women.
  2. How to burn 5-9 times more fat without cardio.
  3. An eating plan and recipes for balanced meals.
  4. An Exercise that can shrink your waistline WITHOUT diet changes.
  5. A training program that burns fat while you sleep.
  6. An much more...

My Thoughts-

I have tried many fad diets that did not work but Dustin's book was very different. I have learned that losing weight and keeping fit involves a lifestyle change and Dustin's book can help you do that. The transformation stories of real women were an inspiration to me. If they can do it so can I. The book is written in a way that is easy to understand and provides all of the tools needed to reach your goals. He provides advice on exercise, dietary guidelines and tips to maintain good health. The chapter called "Food as Fuel" was fantastic and listed sixteen rules to live by. Each rule was thoroughly explained and he provided guidelines on what foods were taboo. I have always been a fan of Egg salad and Dustin included a recipe that was fantastic even my kids liked it. I recommend the book not only to moms but to everyone who wants to get in shape and change their lives.

Thanks to Dustin I am able to give away a copy of the book.

USA/CAN only. 

Contest ends on 12/31 @11:59PM EST. See Rafflecopter widget for rules.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest opinion and I was not compensated for my review

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the giveaway! I have been wanting to read this book and do my own review of it on my page! Thanks again.


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