In this hair-raising omnibus, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, founders of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (T.A.P.S.), reveal the memorable and spine-tingling cases featured in their smash-hit collections, Ghost Hunting and Seeking Spirits. From their never-seen-on-television adventures as budding paranormal
investigators to the behind-the-scenes accounts of heart-pounding supernatural encounters featured on their popular show, these fascinating and frightening real life tales will keep you up at night!
My Thoughts:
I have always been intrigued by the supernatural and have always believed that there is entities out there that cannot be explained. All of the cases described in the book,were either authenticated or disproved by the investigators by use of science and observation. There was a couple of cases that had me at the edge of my seat until I found out the true cause of the events. There were parts that I found humorous when Jason and Grant discovered the true reasons around some of the hauntings (bogus). Now that Halloween is coming up this is the perfect book that will terrify and stump you. The book was written in a way that kept me engaged. I especially liked the beginning that introduced us to Jason, Grant and how T.A.P.S was started. Grant was skeptical in the beginning until he saw first hand what could be out there. I recommend the book to everyone even if you are skeptical do not believe in the paranormal. Maybe you will learn something new and interesting.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.
I watch every week too. I don't have the book yet. I plan on treating myself though. They have a couple books that I'm interested in reading. The books give a perspective that we don't see on tv sometimes.