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Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hedgeland, an urban fantasy of time travel. Dr April Neuland, a Professor of Ancient Languages turned non-fiction writer, has been plagued by dreams all her life, dreams of her past life in the Otherworld. Meanwhile, in a parallel dimension of April's past and Caridwen's future, Worthing, a Future History Professor, has allied with the Military to access Future Internet communications and use new technology to influence April to write an ebook novel revealing where she, in her past life as Caridwen, hid the Kiste, a device to travel through time and space. Hedgeland weaves all three time/space frames: Caridwen, Worthing, and April. Hedgeland is the first in the Hedgecraft Sequence, but is a fully self contained novel with no cliff hangers.
About the Author-

Author Dr Ann Nyland was on Faculty at the University of New England, Australia. She is a grammar pedant, ancient languages translator, and best selling non-fiction author of such books as The Complete Books of Enoch; Angels, Archangels and Angel Categories: What the Ancients Said; The Book of Jubilees; A Devil of a Job to Find Satan in the Bible, among others.
Book Excerpt-

Chapter 9. Caridwen.

He was hot, gorgeous in fact. That's the first thing I noticed about him when I walked in the tavern through the back door of the Cunning Woman's establishment. He was staring at me in shock. His ale was frozen half way to his mouth. I was staring back. I hadn't had a relationship for ages, and he was the hottest guy I had ever seen. I looked at his dark blonde messy hair, his deep blue eyes, and of course, his muscular body barely concealed under his clothes.
Hedgeland (Hedgecraft Sequence )He gestured me over. I just stood there; who did he think he was.
"Lady Caridwen?" he said in the language of Caer Sidi.
I got myself to his table real quick then.
"How do you know who I am? Have you come to kill me?" I blurted in our own language.
He looked amused. "If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead already."
I ignored that. "You've come to rescue me?"
"No." Seeing my crestfallen face, he continued. "Let me explain. We thought you were alive, and obviously we would rescue you if we found you, of course. We were all issued with your image. I meant I've been sent here on another mission. How on earth did you get here? This is the future to our time; I've followed a Kiste trace to this time and place."
"That was me, a Kiste came through the Anaktoron on this land and it was already activated. Two people were trying to kill me and one blasted at me but I grabbed the Kiste just in time so you must have followed me. I didn't want to activate the Kiste and set it for home because I didn't know if it was possible to get back home and didn't want to be killed trying." I stumbled over my words in my hurry to get them out.
He flashed his Military I.D. at me while I was speaking so quickly; I looked briefly at it. "No, I didn't follow your trace. I want you to tell me everything that happened to you in detail."

Contest- International
Thanks to the author, I am able to give away ONE copy of the book. 
Digital copy only


Leave your name and email.

Extra Entries-
  1. Follow me via GFC +2
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  4. Follow Dr Nyland on twitter

Contest ends June 1st at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be picked by The winner will be sent an email and has 48hrs to respond or another winner will be announced.

Would you like to become a character in the author's next book. Follow the tour and comment on every stop and you will be entered to win. Please visit the author's site for information.

Please visit the next stop on the tour- A Chick Who Reads. Tomorrow (5/23)
Tour Stops.

Check out my review of the book here.


  1. Interesting excerpt! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Follow me via GFC +2
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    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  2. Sounds like an awesome book! Thanks for entering me!
    +2 GFC: LadyVampire2u
    +1 Facebook: Aprille Shadowspeak
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    +1 Following Dr.Neuland: LadyVampire2u
    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  3. Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC follower as Diana
    FB as Demitra Giote
    Twitter as @artdem83
    Following Dr.Neuland as @artdem83

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  4. Thanks guys! Thanks so much for the review and for hosting this blog stop, Melissa!

  5. I'm loving these book excerpts! Great tour stop guys :) *waves at Ann* How's the weather over there? LOL

  6. Freezing inland, Bels! I'm about to hop in the fire to get warm.

  7. Sound like a great book

    Facebook follower

  8. Thanks everyone for stopping by.

  9. I have been hearing lots of good things about this book. Thanks for participating in this tour and wetting our appetite. I also thank you for the chance to win the giveaway - what a treat.
    Denise Zaky
    email sub

  10. I'm not entering, just wanted to say I won the book and I am currently reading it. So far it's great :)

  11. Thanks!
    carolejm at gmail dot com

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  13. follower on GFC (CaroleM) (entry 2)

  14. I follow you on twitter (@carolem)

  15. I follow Dr Nyland on twitter (@carolem)

  16. Thanks for the great comments, Denise and CaroleM, and ao glad you're enjoying Hedgeland, Krysykat!

  17. Thanks. Interested in reading.

    chamsmama at gmail dot com

  18. +1 mamabunny13
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com
    +2 I follow you via gfc - mamabunny13
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    +1 I follow Dr Nyland on twitter @mamabunny13

  19. Please enter me. Thanks!

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  20. Thank you for the giveaway .
    wanda flanagan

    1.Follow via GFC +2 wanda f
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    4.Follow Dr Nyland on twitter @lilblupixie

  21. Count me in, thanks!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com


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