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Friday, April 16, 2010


Cate Masters graciously bestowed this award on my blog. Tradition holds that I list ten of my favorite things and pass the award on to ten bloggers. Thank you Cate for listing me as an online friend.

My list of favorites-

  1. Spending time with my family and friends.
  2. Reading all types of books.
  3. Writing short stories and essays.
  4. Playing games with my friends.
  5. Listening to my Ipod.
  6. Playing the Wii  and beating my brother.
  7. Playing with my cat Cosmo.(He is such a mush)
  8. Our yearly family trip to Florida.
  9. Making cookies. (double chocolate chip cookies- YUM)
  10. Just having fun and enjoying life.
I will pass this on to some of the great bloggers who are participating in Blogmania-
I cannot wait for the day to arrive.
  1. Lynda Coker
  2. Nicole Trist.
  3. Stacie Vaughan
  4. Edna Tollison
  5. Surge
  6. June Goodwin
  7. Ashley Ladd
  8. Patty Woodland
  9. Laura Johnson
  10. Nicole Langan


  1. Thanks you for this award Melissa. It was so thoughtful. I really appreciate it!

  2. Thanks for the award Melissa. It is so appreciated.

  3. Thanks for the award, now to decide who to send it to, there are so many

  4. Thank you very much for this :) I really appreciate it

  5. Thanks so much for the award! I can't wait for Blogmania!!!


Thanks for stopping by. I look forward in reading all of your great comments. Have a great day!

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