! Now in its sixth edition, the Revolve series has proven effective in reaching teenage girls by featuring the Bible in a cool, magazine design. Interspersed throughout the scriptures, girls find articles and images that speak to their concerns and interests: how-to articles, lifestyle features, beauty tips, fun games and quizzes, and more. Everything about Revolve 2010 relates directly to teen girls, making it the New Testament they can understand in a format to which they can relate.
When the magazine arrived in the mail, I was very impressed. The cover was bright and inviting. As I read the magazine, I found very interesting topics mixed in with the Bible verses. There were snippets on "Dudes", books, beauty tips, quizzes and many more interesting facts. I have always found the Bible to be hard to read and I have to admit, I have not read it completely. "
Revolve 2010"
uses the "New Voice Testament" version of the Bible. The magazine made it easier to read and I was able to understand the information better. I liked everything in the magazine and I will definitely recommend it to my friends.
Disclosure: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
http://booksneeze.com/ book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own
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