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Saturday, February 6, 2010


The Choice (Lancaster County Secrets, Book 1) by Suzanne Woods Fisher is a story about an Amish girl, Carrie Weaver, who has to face many challenges in her life. She falls in love with Solomon who becomes a baseball player and wants her to run away with him. She is planning to go with him but when her father dies, she decides not to leave her brother Andy and her religion. She has a very controlling step-mother who does not treat the family well.

One of her father’s best friend,Eli and his son Daniel was staying with the Weaver family for the summer. To break away from her step-mother Carrie decides to marry Daniel. Does she love him? I guess you will have to read the book to find out the answer to that question. Another tragedy happens in her life and Daniel is killed in a buggy accident. How will she take care of her brother Andy and the farm?

Solomon is still trying to get her to run away from it all but she is still unsure of her future. All of a sudden, one of Daniels cousins Abel comes to visit. Land is very precious and there is a developer that is trying to buy the land and she can be very persuading. There have been a couple of barn fires that occurs around the area. Abel is blamed for them because he was recently released from prison because of similar fires that occurred where he used to live. Who is responsible for the fires? What will happen to Carrie? Carrie has many choices to make. This is the first book in the Lancaster County Secrets series.

About the Author-

Suzanne is a wife and mom, raiser of puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind, and an author of Christian books, both non-fiction and fiction.

Her relatives on my mother's side are Old Order German Baptist Brethren, also known as Dunkards. That's where her interest in Anabaptist traditions began. Suzanne's grandfather was born into a family of 13 children, started his career as a teacher in a one-room school house in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and ended it as one of the very first publishers of Christianity Today. "We called him "Deardad" even though he was a very stern fellow. Still, Deardad's life inspired me to write."

After college, Suzanne was a freelance writer for magazines and became a contributing editor to Christian Parenting Today. Her work has been featured in Today's Christian Woman, Marriage Partnership, Worldwide Challenge, among others. She took the plunge into books a few years ago and now she's hooked. To learn more about Suzanne, visit her website at

My Review-
I have not read any books about the Amish community, but I have learned a little about their beliefs in school. The book was an enjoyable read and there were twists and turns in the story that kept me guessing all the time. In reading the story, I was able to feel all of the character's emotions. I could not put the book down. I stayed up until two am on a school night to finish the book. Boy did I regret that in the morning. The author wrote an exceptional novel and I look forward to reading the next book of the series,The Waiting.

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Book Bomb and Author's Talk with Suzanne Woods Fisher

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Disclaimer: Litfuse Publicity has provided me with a complimentary copy of the book. I was not compensated for the review.


  1. I also enjoyed reading and reviewing this book. I loved the story and the characters. Is that snow I keep seeing on your blog? How awesome.

  2. Hi Melissa! I'm smiling at your review...that you stayed up way too late reading "The Choice!" And then I noticed what time you posted this review. 1 am! You must be sleepy today. I'm so grateful, though. Glad you enjoyed the book and grateful you reviewed it. Now...get some rest! Warmly, Suzanne Fisher
    PS Am following you now on Twitter.


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