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Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I would like to welcome Betsy Schow to Books R Us. She is the author of the book Finished Being Fat: An Accidental Adventure in Losing Weight and Learning How to Finish published by Cedar Fort (Jan 8, 2013). Thanks for stopping by.

Guest Post

After many years of being fat and miserable, with a few years of being average and less miserable mixed in, I finally had a light bulb moment. The reason I was unhappy, was not just the extra 75 pounds of pudge I was carrying. It was the weight of all the things unfinished that hung around my neck. I was always having grand ideas. I'd get excited about this diet, or that workout routine. Or starting a new hobby or project. Problem was, within a few weeks the excitement would fade and that little voice would kick in. You know the one I'm talking about.
"You're no good at this. You'll never keep the weight off. Why are you even bothering?" And every time I quit, my wall of failures would get a little higher -- making success that much harder to see. The straw that broke the camel's back, was actually the 10 pounds added in a month that broke the scale one morning. Drastic measures had to be taken, I couldn't keep doing this myself.
What started out as yet another attempt to get rid of the weight around my middle, snowballed into a year of changing my life, my marriage  and the way I raise my kids. Without meaning to I went on an accidental adventure, learning things that fixed the holes in my life, not just the holes in my eating habits. Now I know how to give myself credit for what I do, I can finish what I start, and I've reached impossible dreams. And once you've done the impossible, anything can happen.

Whether your goal is losing weight, running a marathon, cleaning out the basement, or all of the above, this book will teach you how to achieve more than you ever thought possible without sacrificing your sanity or sense of humor.
Buy the book wherever books are sold, or online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Visit me at

Excerpt from Finished Being Fat:


Daily routine: Wake up, feed kids, entertain kids, keep kids from killing each other, put kids to bed, put kids back to bed thirty minutes
later, and then collapse into my own bed and fade into unconsciousness.
My life was a lot like running on a treadmill, a whole lot of effort to get absolutely nowhere. Not that I had much experience with treadmills, mind you, but you get my drift. One morning, I woke up depressed and berated myself for all the things that I wasn’t. Wasn’t skinny, wasn’t accomplished, wasn’t happy. In a fit of masochism, I decided it would be a good time to take on my mortal enemy, the digital scale. The scale and I have always had a hate/more hate relationship. I’ve tried sweet talking it, I’ve tried yelling at it, and I’ve even tried approaching it with cautious optimism. Power of positive thinking and all. Recently, I had given it the silent treatment, refusing to acknowledge its existence. But apparently, I felt the need to punish myself, because there I was again, at seven in the morning, before the children were awake, naked and oh so- carefully avoiding the adjacent mirror (because let’s be honest, who wants to see themselves naked first thing in the morning?) and ever so lightly (because it might make a difference) stepping on the scale. While I waited for the scale to stop blinking 0.00 and pronounce judgment, I began to pray.

“Please, God. Just let it be the same as last month. I’m not asking for it be lower, just . . . please, let it be the same.” God was apparently out of miracles. The scale read 216.4 pounds—ten pounds more than the last month. I looked around just to be sure my fourteen-month-old hadn’t sneaked up behind me, adding her sixteen pounds to the total. Nope, I was alone. So I hopped off and tried again, just in case. Maybe the scale had changed its mind, had a technical error, or something. But no, the evil scale seemed to take joy in my misery and now said 216.6. Ahhhh! I had gained a fifth of a pound in less than a minute. Scenes from my future played out in my mind. I would gain a pound every hour.

Within a week, none of my clothes would fit. By the end of the month, I would have to order everything from an online specialty store, Blobbos. In a year, my husband would need to physically roll me out of the bed and onto a Jazzy scooter because I had gotten so big that my legs wouldn’t support my girth. I was going to be like that woman from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. When I died, they would have to cut a hole in my house just to get me out. Then I’d have to be buried in a packing crate because surely no one would make a coffin large enough to fit me. I back pedaled off the scale so fast that I tripped. That’s when I heard the thud of my life hitting rock bottom. It was so loud it even woke my husband, Jarom. Well, it was either that or the crash from the scale reverberating off the travertine. I imagine he ran into the bathroom, expecting to find that I had slipped in the shower. He probably did not expect to see his naked, overweight wife sprawled on the floor, trying to beat the scale into submission.
“Betsy, what the heck are you doing?”
“I’m fat!” I wailed
My husband, always a man of few words, wisely said nothing and offered me a hand up. For a few minutes, we stood there, him patting my back and me sobbing onto his shoulder. After I had quieted down some, Jarom grabbed a pack of tissues and herded me back into the bedroom.  He sat me down on the bed and wiped the tears and snot off my face, then did the same for his shoulder.
“Now start over and tell me what’s wrong.”

For more information about me, the book, or to get a free personalized daily calorie budget - visit me at

Finished being Fat is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Deseret Book and Seagull Books.

About the Book:

Not everyone can win the race, but everyone can finish it. In her quest to wish away an extra 75 pounds, Betsy changed her life for good. Using her Philosophy of Finishing, she snowballed her efforts from weight loss into a bucket list of seemingly impossible dreams. This inspiring account of one woman's journey will help you find the strength to conquer your most daunting goals and unfinished projects.


 About the Author: 

 After many years of unhappiness and being unpleasantly plump, Betsy Schow found her way to weight loss success and a better life through the Philosophy of Finishing. She shares it all in her first book, Finished being Fat – available January 2013 from Cedar Fort Inc. Her adventure inspired her certify in yoga and fitness so she could help others achieve their goals. You can find her running around the mountains of Utah, chained to her laptop, or wrangling two small children.

Check out the other stops on the TOUR!

Enter to win a Print Copy of the book: USA Only. See Rafflecopter for rules Contest ends on 1/30/13 @ 11:59pm EST

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Do you love to read? In Tip Hero's latest giveaway, we're teaming up with a bunch of fabulous blogs to offer you the chance to expand your library. One lucky reader will be the winner of a $150 Barnes & Noble gift card!

This giveaway begins on January 16th and will run for 2 weeks, closing on January 30 at 11:59pm US EST. Open to United States & Canada, 18+.

Enter below for your chance to win by filling out the PromoSimple form below. Be sure to come back daily for more opportunities to enter. Good luck!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013




***All winners must be 18 Or Older & live in the USA.***
Contest ends 1/21/13
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Welcome to the Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

 I’ve teamed up with some amazing blogs to give our readers the chance to win a $250 Amazon Gift Card. Could you be our big winner?

We have daily entries available for you as well, so be sure to bookmark this page and come back every day for more chances to win!

Amazon gift cards are redeemable towards millions of items storewide at or There are no fees and your card will never expire.
This giveaway is open worldwide and ends January 31st at 11:59 PM EST. Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Teaching Sign Language to babies has become very popular and parents are teaching their children to sign before they even started talking. I Can Sign- First Words is an interactive DVD that will teach your baby the signs for baby, bottle, apple and many other useful words. The DVD is very entertaining and uses lively music to keep your baby engaged and interested. The DVD includes on screen parenting tips, a 2 month subscription to the Baby First TV Channel, and offers both English and Spanish audio options. The signs are very easy to learn and presented in a way that is educational and interesting. American Sign Language is becoming very popular and is being offered in many elementary and high schools and is the 4th most used language in the US today. 

More About BabyFirst:

Since its launch in 2006, BabyFirst has steadily grown to become the country’s largest television vehicle targeting babies, toddlers and their moms.  The fastest-growing channel in 2012, BabyFirst now reaches 35 million homes as a new programming staple on Comcast systems nationwide, in addition to serving as an important part of the family tiers for both DIRECTV and Dish Network. The channel is projected to exceed 50 million homes by mid-2013. For more information on the channel, visit

So if you want to make your life simpler and less stressful then grab yourself a copy of the DVD or Just enter my contest to win a copy of the DVD (USA only)


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Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the DVD for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The Jelly Bean Crisis by Jolene Stockman

A total meltdown. The whole school watching. Now Poppy’s an ex-straight-A with no Plan B.

When Poppy Johnson throws away a full scholarship to Columbia, she can only blame the jelly beans. The yucky green ones? Midnight cram sessions and Saturday’s spent studying. The delicious red? The family legacy: Columbia, and a future in finance. Except now it’s starting to look like Poppy’s jelly bean theory is wrong. School has been her life until, but maybe it’s time to start living now.

Poppy has thirty days to try a new life. No school, no studying. Just jumping into every possible world. Thirty days to find her passion, her path, and maybe even love.

The Jelly Bean Crisis is officially on.

*** Praise for The Jelly Bean Crisis***

"The Jelly Bean Crisis is a heart warming and thought provoking story, especially if you're in the process of figuring out your life!"
- Ajoop On Books!

"This book had me riveted. Completely riveted the entire time. The Jelly Bean Crisis was instant love for me."
- Book Briefs.

"It's a beautifully told story that you'll be thinking about long after you finish reading."

- A Pocket Full of Books.

If you're looking for a smart contemporary YA read, then The Jelly Bean Crisis is for you!


***Book Blast Special***
Get your Kindle copy of The Jelly Bean Crisis for 99 cents!

Author Jolene Stockman

Jolene Stockman is an award winning writer, speaker, and an expert for Girlfriend Magazine Australia. She is a Master of Neuro Linguistic Programming, and one of the youngest in the world to achieve the Distinguished Toastmaster Award. Jolene lives in New Zealand, and is the author of Total Blueprint for World Domination. The Jelly Bean Crisis is her debut fiction.

$100 Book Blast Giveaway
Ends 12/21/12
*You need not enter your twitter name for each entry. Simply enter it when you follow Jolene and leave the others blank.

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


There are so many blogs participating in the Gift Card Giveaway Hop. You will find some nice book related items being given away. There is a linky at the end of this post.  After you've entered here, hop on over to the next blog on the list and keep going as long as you'd like!  The more you enter, the more likely you are to win.  Good luck!  Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer & Mary from Sweeping Me.

I am giving away to ONE lucky reader A $25.00 GC. Or $25.00 to be used at the Book Depository for my international friends.

Contest ends on 12/17/12@ 11:59pm EST. Open worldwide. Once the giveaway  has ended the winner will have 48 hours to respond to the winning email or an alternate winner will be chosen. See Rafflecopter for rules. Winner will be sent the Gift card via email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Welcome to the Hot Holiday Hop sponsored by Random House to celebrate the release of Release Me by J Kenner. On sale 1/1/2013.

                                                ENTER TO WIN:

  • Grand Prize $25 Gift Certificate to a retailer of your choice!
  • 10 print copy winners of RELEASE ME, must be 18 or older!
  • 15 Net Galley Preview copies of RELEASE ME, must be 18 or older! 
  • See Rafflecopter for Rules.
  • You must be 18+ to enter.
  • Contest ends on 12/10/12.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, October 20, 2012


About the Book:


In the early morning hours nearing her 17th birthday, Cat Townsend woke to the sudden blur of a mysterious unknown man sitting on the edge of her bed. She did not feel fear -- rather a strange calmness overtook her. In an instant their eyes locked, he lightly touched her hand, and then he disappeared into the nothingness of night.

Caught in that undefined place between asleep and awake, the moment felt hazy and surreal. A chill ran down Cat’s spine as she glances at the time – it’s 2:32 a.m.

What unfolds in the first book of The Djinn Master’s Legacy trilogy, is young Cat’s personal struggle with the overwhelming choice to accept a destiny of magic. As she contemplates the merits of unparalleled power, her new and ordinary world in Savannah, Georgia is understandably shaken.  The closer her decision gets, the more  twisted her life with family, friends and boyfriend becomes. Will she choose to give up everything she cherishes?

My Thoughts:

 At first, I did not know what to expect when I started reading the book. At first I found it slow moving but the action picked up halfway through the book. The main character Cat has vivid visions that occur numerous times throughout the book that slowly reveals her destiny. She is introduced to Genies and magic in a way that is confusing and intriguing. She is a typical teenager faced with difficult situations that makes her stronger.  She is in love with Todd and eventually finds her soul mate Rolf. This is a great supernatural-romance novel that will leave you guessing and engaged.


Enter to win a print Copy of the book: USA Only. See Rafflecopter for rules Contest ends on 10/31/12 @ 11:59pm EST

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kids Can $100 Book Blast October 16th - 23rd

It's Time for Good Manners!

Part story book, part practice book, all parts fun! Children will learn about good manners -- and how to tell time -- with this colorful, engaging book.
They'll spend the day with Torie, Tad, Tessa and Tyler and discover how it's time for good manners all day long. And then they'll get the chance to practice telling time -- all while enjoying the cute clock designs, and without realizing they're learning!


"It's Time for Good Manners" is a great package workbook for children ages 4-7, combining learning twin virtues of considerateness and courtesy and punctuality."

“If ever a book was needed for this time, then this is it.”

“A fun way to learn how to tell time.”

“…good book for introducing time to students in earlier grades.”

The Kids' (and parents', too!) Book of Good Sportsmanship 

Do you have little athletes in your family? Then this colorful, engaging book is the perfect way to help them understand what it means - and how important it is - to be a Good Sport. Soccer? Dancing? Swimming? Whatever sport they do, they'll learn easy, basic sports manners through reading familiar situations featuring kids just like them. Parents, you'll also find handy reminders for you with each tip, so that the entire family can learn to be Good Sports together.


“This is a great easy read that reminds not just the kids in your family but also parents, and in my case, grandparents how important it is to be a Good Sport. Basic sports etiquette that works just as well with Dad's Sunday Soccer game as with the munchkin's is presented in an engaging and entertaining way. Memorable reminders teach this important etiquette and keep it top of mind and simple for the whole family!”

“The Kids' (and parents', too!) Book of Good Sportsmanship” is a guidebook for raising winners, both on and off the field!"

“Children need more books like this, to teach important lessons. Parents are as big a factor in a child's perception of sports as the children themselves, and the parents attitude becomes the children's. This book teaches children that no one should take sports so seriously that they get angry, be rude, but instead, be gracious, respectful and have fun with it.”

About the Author:

Leslie A. Susskind lives with her husband, daughters and two cats outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she writes children’s books while working in marketing and trying to keep up with everyone’s activities.

She is a BIG bookworm and loves to read just about anything she can get her hands on. She also loves to watch home improvement TV shows (and tries to convince her husband to do the projects), sing in choirs, and watch movies (especially anything Jane Austin). Sometimes she can even be found cooking without a microwave.

Leslie is the author of several manners-themed books, including “The Kids’ (and parents’, too!) Book of Good Sportsmanship,” and “It’s Time for Good Manners!” She is also the of the middle grade fantasy series, The Zephram Tales, which include “The Month of Zephram Mondays” and “The Tale of Time Warp Tuesday.”

1 lucky winner will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card compliments of author Leslie Susskind.
Ends 10/23/12

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, August 31, 2012


Want to win some great books sponsored by Romance at Random. It all starts today but is open to USA only. Enter via Rafflecopter and please visit all of the participating blogs and check out all the information that they have to offer.

Please visit Romance at Random and leave me a comment with the title of a book that you would love to win and then enter via Rafflecopter. You can find so many great books on the site that you may have trouble picking one!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Tired of ants infesting your house and have tried every different type of sprays but those pesty ants still keep coming then give Combat Source Kill Max Ant Gel and bait a try. I have been plagued with tiny ants in my kitchen for over a month and have tried sprays and bait with no luck. I found them in the sink, cabinets and in the cat food. I tried the Ant Gel with amazing results. I was able is figure out the location that they were entering the kitchen and applied the gel in that area. Within an hour there ware about 20 ants attracted to the gel and when I woke up the next morning they were totally gone. It has been over 2 days now and no more ants. I have a cat and I was afraid that he was going to be attracted to the gel but it did not interest him at all. I placed one of the Ant bait devices near the area as a back up.
The gel was easy to use, did not run and did not have a odor. This is much easier to use then sprays and works better.

Combat Ant Gel: Get Rid of Ants-
  • One of the fastest active ingredients you can buy to kill ants
  • Insect nerve poison kills ants by contact or ingestion.
  • Starts killing ants in hours so you can see immediate results.
  • High secondary colony kill. Kills ants in a domino effect, eliminating the source of the infestation.
Combat Ant Bait-

  • One of the fastest active ingredients you can buy to kill ants
  • Insect nerve poison kills ants by contact or ingestion.
  • Starts killing ants in hours so you can see immediate results.
  • High secondary colony kill. Kills ants in a domino effect, eliminating the source of the infestation.


1-Enter to win a Box of Combat Ant Gel to get rid of the ants that plague your house. Contest ends on 9/10/12 @ 11:59pm EST and prize will be sent by sponsor.

2-Combat is also sponsoring the Bug-Free Backyard Bash Sweepstakes and you may win $1000 to hold your own Bug Free Back Yard Bash. You will win a assortment of Combat brand products to ensure that ants do not spoil your party. 

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Disclosure: Combat provided me with a free sample of their Ant bait and gel so I could review them. However,all of the opinions expressed here are my own.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Mrs. Tuesday's Departure Book Blast - $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
 August 14th to 21st.

Meet Author Suzanne Anderson
I was born in Fort Lauderdale, attended the University of Michigan on an athletic scholarship for swimming and then worked on Wall Street. I left the bright lights of the big city fifteen years ago and traveled the world. I now live in the mountains of Colorado, where I pursue my dream of writing novels.





Mrs. Tuesday's Departure

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for…
Hungary's fragile alliance with Germany kept Natalie, a renowned children’s book author, and her family out of harm's way for most of the war. Now as the Führer's desperation grows during the waning years of the conflict, so does its threat. Natalie's younger sister, Ilona, married a Jewish man, putting both her and her young daughter, Mila, in peril; Natalie's twin sister, Anna, is losing her already tenuous hold on reality. As the streets of Budapest thrum with the pounding boots of Nazi soldiers, danger creeps to the doorstep where Natalie shields them all.

Ilona and her husband take the last two tickets to safety for themselves, abandoning Natalie to protect Anna and Mila from the encroaching danger. Anna's paranoid explosion at a university where was once a professor, sparked by delusions over an imagined love triangle, threatens their only other chance for escape. Ultimately, Natalie is presented with a choice no one should ever have to make; which of her family will she save?

An inspirational story of faith and family, strength and weakness, and the ultimate triumph of love over hate. Mrs. Tuesday’s Departure demonstrates the power of faith to light even the most harrowing darkness.

... faith is the evidence of things not seen.

Giveaway Details:

$100 Amazon Gift Code

Ends 8/21/12

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Makobi Scribe and My Vinyl Direct are bringing you this Amazon Facebook blast. The winner will receive an Amazon gift card for $100. The giveaway is open WW.

Javascript must be enabled to enter this giveaway. Learn how to activate Javascript by clicking here.
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Sponsored by: Sentry & Mom Blog Society

SentrySafe Electronic Safe is designed to protect documents, digital media and other valuables from fire, water and theft. 60% bigger bolts than traditional safes and a pry-resistant hinge bar provide additional security against unauthorized access.


    Programmable Keypad
  • ETL verified 15 ft. Drop Test
  • ETL verified for 1 hour fire protection of CDs and DVDs up to 1700° F
  • ETL verified for water-resistance in up to 8" of water for up to 24 hours
  • Lifetime after-fire replacement guarantee
  • Manufacturer's limited warranty
  • UL Classified 1-hour proven fire protection
  • Electronic lock
  • Interior lighting
  • Multi-position shelf to enable easy organization
  • Key rack, door tray and door pocket for small, easy-to-misplace items
  • Bolt-down kit included to prevent unauthorized removal

SentrySafe’s Spring Clean Challenge is a national campaign in which five bloggers are competing to win up to $2,500 in donations to a charity of their choice through weekly cleaning/organization challenges. The challenge will be housed on SentrySafe’s Facebook page. Each week, the blogger who generates the most comments will win a small donation to their charity and five of their fans who commented that week will be randomly selected to win a safe. It is now in it’s third week and 10 fans have won safe and $500 has been donated to charities! Be sure to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of your own. Books R Us is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Tina Haveman is the founder and CEO of eXtasy Books and Devine Destinies. Tina was born in Europe, left there at age eight, then traveled to several countries with her parents, to finally settle in Australia for many years. She immigrated to Canada in 1973 where she has lived since.

After raising a family of five as a single mother, she finally found time to concentrate on her writing. In 2000 she started her own publishing house with a partner but became too busy with eXtasy and Devine to continue her involvement and withdrew to focus entirely on eXtasy and Devine.

Tina devotes all her time to her publishing house and authors and is grateful for the success her company is experiencing. “After many years of struggling to keep my head above water while raising five children on my own, I have much to be thankful for,” said Tina. “While the company affords me a comfortable living now and I have quite a staff aboard, I thoroughly enjoy what I do and won’t stop until someone up above tells me it’s time.”

eXtasy Company Banner

About eXtasy Books

eXtasy Books first opened its doors December 2002 with a small website that was soon revamped into a more business like site. Within a matter of months, eXtasy outgrew that website and had to build another site to accommodate its growing catalog. Since then, the site has been revamped a number of times. Our imprint, Devine Destinies, started in 2008 to accommodate mainstream, YA, inspirational and children's books.

Since eXtasy’s birth, it has seen several upheavals, but with hard work, a loyal staff and a loyal stable of authors, eXtasy managed to survive them, along with the depression that hit our countries hard.

This past years has seen tremendous growth at eXtasy and we have moved our website to our own dedicated server to accommodate its growing readership.

We publish a wide variety of stories ranging from short stories to full books, pricing kept reasonable to accommodate our readers. Prices range from 1.59 to 5.99.

eXtasy Books has always been and is a devout supporter of e-books and e-readers. There are so many print books destroyed every year, it’s unbelievable. Go Green, is our motto. Save our forests! With so many new e-readers on the market, think about the ease of taking books along when traveling, getting rid of dust collecting books in your house, thereby making more room, being able to read a book on your phone or handheld while going to and from work on a bus or train. Think about the many books you can store on your computer. And think about the books you can hide from nosy relatives or children…

We have an attractive reward program in place. Receive 5 dollars on first sign up for an account that can be applied if you spend 20 or more dollars. For every purchase you receive 10% of your total in rewards. These rewards can be saved or you can use them when you come back to buy more books. We're always looking for new ways to make our site a great shopping experience. Come and visit us at

Follow eXtasy at Facebook at
Follow eXtasy at Twitter at ttps://!/eXtasyBooks.
Follow Devine Destinies at Facebook at
Follow Devine Destinies at Twitter at!/DevineDestinies.


Pump Up Your Book and eXtasy Books are teaming up to give you a chance to win a Kindle Fire!

Kindle Fire

Here's how it works:

Each person will enter this giveaway by liking, following, subscribing and tweeting about this giveaway through the Rafflecopter form throughout the tour.

The Kindle Fire promotion will run from June 1 - August 31. Winner will be chosen randomly by Rafflecopter, contacted by email and announced on September 1, 2012.

Visit each blog stop below to gain more entries as the Rafflecopter widget will be placed on each blog for the duration of the tour.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, June 25, 2012


A Vampire Novel with Actual Bite!

As the modern world establishes itself and pushes the supernatural into the shadows, the supernatural fights back.

The Darkening Dream is a chilling new dark fantasy novel by Andy Gavin, creator of Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter. The book has received rave reviews and is on sale for only 99 cents on Amazon Kindle from June 25th-29th! Download your copy here.

In addition, Andy is doing a big giveaway, including a $100 gift certificate to Amazon, signed copies of his books, video games, posters, and more!

The Darkening Dream Rafflecopter Giveaway

Tweet, like, follow, share, blog and grab a copy of his book to enter.

The Darkening Dream Rafflecopter Giveaway

Get your 99 cent copy of The Darkening Dream today on Amazon only.

Long-time readers of dark historical fantasy (Tim Powers, Guy Gavriel Kay, Katherine Kurtz) will appreciate the weaving together of mythology, occult, and religion, while younger readers and fans of HBO dramas (True Blood, Carnivàle) or urban fantasy (Laurell K. Hamilton, Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher) will be drawn to the twisted imagination, graphic action, and romantic tension.

About The Darkening Dream

Even as the modern world pushes the supernatural aside in favor of science and steel, the old ways remain. God, demon, monster, and sorcerer alike plot to regain what was theirs.

1913, Salem, Massachusetts – Sarah Engelmann’s life is full of friends, books, and avoiding the pressure to choose a husband, until an ominous vision and the haunting call of an otherworldly trumpet shake her. When she stumbles across a gruesome corpse, she fears that her vision was more of a premonition. And when she sees the murdered boy moving through the crowd at an amusement park, Sarah is thrust into a dark battle she does not understand.

With the help of Alex, an attractive Greek immigrant who knows a startling amount about the undead, Sarah sets out to uncover the truth. Their quest takes them to the factory mills of Salem, on a midnight boat ride to spy on an eerie coastal lair, and back, unexpectedly, to their own homes. What can Alex’s elderly, vampire-hunting grandfather and Sarah’s own rabbi father tell them? And what do Sarah’s continuing visions reveal?

No less than Gabriel’s Trumpet, the tool that will announce the End of Days, is at stake, and the forces that have banded to recover it include a 900 year-old vampire, a trio of disgruntled Egyptian gods, and a demon-loving Puritan minister. At the center of this swirling cast is Sarah, who must fight a millennia-old battle against unspeakable forces, knowing the ultimate prize might be her very soul.

The Reviews Are In

"A vampire novel with actual bite." ~The Kirkus Reviews

"A gorgeously creepy, strangely humorous, and sincerely terrifying tale." ~Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

"Mr. Gavin has brought something refreshingly new to a genre now suffused with poorly-concealed bodice-rippers which have more in common with Fabio than Bram Stoker: depth. His big baddies are scary, not romantic interests, and the added religious lore is complex and engaging. Don't expect another Twilight -- the story can get downright creepy, so be prepared for a return to the old horror sensibilities of supernatural fiction." ~Amazon Review

"With Mr. Gavin's video-game pedigree, I was expecting something aimed squarely at the 18-25 year old fanboy contingent; what I got in The Darkening Dream was something wholly unexpected: A period novel with a female protagonist, a crash-course on Judaism in the colonial years, and multi-layered series of plot arcs featuring a crazy cast of natural and supernatural characters populating turn of the century America." ~Amazon Review

"…A perfect blend of mystery, magic and myth. A grown-up Grimm's fairy tale... emphasis on grim." ~Amazon Review

Read the first two sample chapters here.

Get your 99 cent copy of The Darkening Dream today on Amazon only.

About the Author

Andy Gavin is an unstoppable storyteller who studied for his Ph.D. at M.I.T. and founded video game developer Naughty Dog, Inc. at the age of fifteen, serving as co-president for two decades. There he created, produced, and directed over a dozen video games, including the award winning and best selling Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter franchises, selling over 40 million units worldwide. He sleeps little, reads novels and histories, watches media obsessively, travels, and of course, writes. Find out more here.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


The temperature has been brutal on Long Island, NY with temperatures as high as 100 degrees and high humidity.I never was a fan of roll on antiperspirants but I am always willing to try something new. Most of the roll on deodorants that I have tried left white marks on my clothing and made me feel sticky. So I decided to give Dry Idea Advanced Dry Roll On a try. 

About the Product:
This formulation puts the “Dry” in Dry Idea® antiperspirants. It contains no water – for a drier application. And it’s time-released for longer-lasting odor protection and fragrance.
  • 24 Hour protection.
  • Fast Drying Micro Cotton Formula.
  • Hypo-allergenic.
  • Contains Vitamin E.
  • Available in a Roll On, Clear Gel and Invisible Solid.

My Thoughts: 
My twins went to their Senior Prom on Thursday and it was over 90 degrees on that day. The school had a Red Carpet set up in the main entrance but the school was not air conditioned and it was very hot. They both tried the Dry Idea and were very satisfied with the results. My daughter wore a strapless gown and the product dried clear. She felt very comfortable and dry. My son wore a Tux and at first did not want to try it because he thought he would smell like a "girl" but it was unscented so he gave in and try it. He said that it worked better than the Antiperspirant/Deodorant that he was using now. I also tried it and it kept me dry all day long. The other product that I was using was not as good and I am planning to try all of the scents and types that are offered.
Facebook Page.


1- Dry Idea is sponsoring a contest and you could win 
  • Grand Prize is $500 cash.
  • 10 winners will receive $50 Each.
  •  Contest ends on July 20th.ENTER HERE

2- Thanks to Dry Idea I am able to giveaway TWO coupons for a free Dry Idea Antiperspirant/Deodorant: MY Contest end on July 8th @ 11:59pm EST
See Rafflecopter for Rules.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

  Dry Idea provided me with a free sample of their Advanced Dry Roll On so I could review it. However, all of the opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Gift Caddie is the perfect place to share gift ideas, request gifts, and order gifts for friends and family! Create gift lists for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, baby showers, graduations, holidays and more. Get and give the gifts you want and need.

If you haven’t checked out Gift Caddie yet, now is the perfect time because registered users will have the chance to win 1 of 2 American Airlines gift cards. One lucky winner will receive a $200 American Airlines gift card and the person who refers the winner will receive a $100 American Airlines gift card! 

Be sure to tell all your friends about Gift Caddie for more chances to win! Giveaway is open to the US only and ends 6/26 at 11:59 PM EST. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway