, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF SHE'S GOT ISSUES BOOK AND DVD BY NICOLE UNICE, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, September 28, 2012


Over the last couple of weeks, I have been reading and watching a new DVD curriculum called She's Got Issues: With Seriously Good News for Stressed-Out, Secretly Scared Control Freaks Like Us: A DVD Group Experience by Nicole Unice. It is designed for small group settings and is a six week course. The DVD includes a leader's guide and group handouts.

About the Book and DVD

We’ve all got our issues! Maybe you feel like life just isn’t going your way, or you’re afraid that you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations. Perhaps you have a hard time managing your temper or have someone in your life you just can’t forgive. We deal with our “issues” every day in one form or another; the problem is, after a while, they start to feel . . . normal. Unchanging. Just part of who we are. And we forget that we have access to the power of Christ—a power that can transform our everyday weaknesses into our greatest strengths and gifts.

In She’s Got Issues, Christian counselor, ministry leader, and regular mom Nicole Unice explores the ordinary issues that are keeping you from the full and free life you were meant to have. Applying years of counseling with practical scriptural teaching and a fresh and authentic voice, Nicole shows you how to let God freely shape your character—and transform your life from ordinary to abundant.

 My Thoughts:

The DVD and book are fantastic and full of information that is essential for all of us stressed out women. Nicole has a way with words and is able to bring faith into the book in a way that is not pushy and she made me think about my life. Chapter 7 "The Comparison Game" is an excellent chapter and discusses how we are constantly comparing ourselves to other people. She includes a assessment to find out where we fit in and how we can change our lives. According to the scores Nicole is able to provide us with insight and wisdom on how we can change the way we look at our selves and others.
All of the sessions on the DVD are short, easy to follow and just makes sense. The DVD discusses six major topics that include: Control, Insecurity, Comparisons, Fear, Anger and Unforgiveness. The DVD complements the book and I utilized the book when watching the DVD. I recommend that you obtain both the book and the DVD so you can get more information on the topic she is discussing.

Purchase the Book: Amazon
Purchase the DVD: Amazon
Books Site
Author's Site

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book and DVD from Tyndale House for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

1 comment:

  1. I for one, HAVE ISSUES!! This seems likes something I may be interested in. Thanks for the review!


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