, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF MASTER YOUR ACNE BY DEVIN MOOERS, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I remember growing up with acne and I still suffer from rosacea. Both of my children have had bouts of acne for years. We have tried different cleansers and over the counter creams as well as a few visits to the dermatology with poor results. I thought I knew all about the causes of acne until I read Devin Mooer's book Master your Acne

About the Book:

This is a thorough, complete, well-thought-out e-guide to curing acne with diet and lifestyle. It wades through all the pseudoscience, distilling the real science into actionable steps people can take to achieve clear skin. The method requires no skin care products, no prescriptions, and no strange “natural” cures (i.e. no oatmeal, cider vinegar, baking soda types of treatments). This is not a “magic bullet” solution, but rather a comprehensive, multi-pronged attack strategy to cure acne. By choosing certain foods and avoiding others, and making sure some key nutrient needs are met, this course empowers readers to take their health into their own hands, and cure their acne once and for all.

My Thoughts:

I know that that there are many causes of acne and I have read many books on the subject. Some were very technical and gave you too much information that may be confusing to some readers. Devon's book is packed of information that well researched and easy to understand. He discusses the truths and myths concerning acne, dietary guidelines, stress reduction, the causes of acne and other interesting topics. I found the clear skin checklist and the master list of food very helpful and summarized the major points discussed in the book. So if you are struggling and frustrated with acne, get a copy of the book. You will not be disappointed and maybe you will learn something new.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


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