, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: GUEST POST AND GIVEAWAY BY LACEY WEATERFORD AUTHOR OF THE SERIES WITCHES AND WARLOCKS, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I would like to welcome Lacey Weatherford to Books R Us. Lacey is the author of The Witches and Warlocks series and is presently on a virtual tour with book 2- The Demon Kiss. Thanks for stopping by. 

Books, BFF's & Rants

The Demon KissI’ve had wonderful experiences ever since I started releasing my books, meeting amazing people from all over the planet, from new folks in my hometown, to vogue models, and actors.  I’ve loved every minute of it!  But one of the greatest blessings out of all of this was meeting the wonderful woman who became my best friend.
A little over a year ago I met Belinda on Facebook after she’d read my first book, The Trouble with Spells.  She was dying to get her hands on book two, The Demon Kiss, which hadn’t been released yet.  We quickly hit it off, and became fast friends.  It wasn’t long before we were gushing over book loves and telling each other everything that was going on in our lives.  We exchanged phone numbers and literally began texting almost every minute of the day, much to the delight of Verizon when we had to bump up our texting plans.  I asked Belinda if she would like to be a beta reader for my manuscripts and give me her opinions, to which she responded with giddy delight.
In a wonderful twist of fate, I discovered that this fabulous Aussie gal was married to my husband’s 1st cousin.  We were related by marriage!  We’d even been to some of the same family reunions in the past and had never met one another.
We finally made arrangements to meet in person and we were terrified that we wouldn’t know what to say to one another face to face.  All our worry was for naught.  The first thing we did was hug each other warmly.  It was like twin souls being reunited and it’s been this way ever since.
Shortly after we met we went to a book store together and I remember walking through with Belinda and she would point at book after book and tell me what she loved about the plots of each one.  I was amazed!  I immediately told her she needed to be a book reviewer.  She hemmed and hawed and told me she would think about it, so I did what any self respecting BFF would do.  I went home and made her a webpage, called her up and said, “Here’s your site.” Then I got on Amazon and posted about the awesome new book reviewer I’d discovered.  The Bookish Snob has been taking the world by storm ever since!
One of the things The Bookish Snob is famous for is her rants over all the luscious book heroes she comes across.  Well, Vance was her first rant, so I felt it only right to invite her here today to share one her rants with us and tell us what it is she loves about Vance Mangum.  Take it away Bels!

"Vance. What can I possibly say to do this hunky piece of man candy justice? From the second I met Vance in The Trouble with Spells, I was completely smitten and he's held my heart ever since. There's something about the bad boy that pulls me close and when you add a tortured, romantic, honorable soul - it was inevitable that I'd become a forever fan. People laugh and say "but he's just a character" but if you're the type of reader I am - books become real, the stories having a life of their own and you develop a deep connection with their characters.
I have swooned, laughed, yelled and cried over Vance, and of course, I've also had heavy lust fests. You know you have it bad when you're on Twitter with other Vance-a-holics, waxing poetic on his rock hard abs, sexy swagger, and divulging all the wicked things you'd love to do with him if you ever had him cornered.
Lacey shared a guest post with Donna over at the Book Lover's Hideaway about which Vance to pick - warlock Vance or demon Vance. I know it's turned some people green with envy, but one of the perks of being the BFF for a genius writer, *points to Lacey* I get an inside look at what’s to come and OH MY GOSH ladies ... you think Vance curls your toes now? Keep reading because as each book progresses and we watch our beloved hero battle the demon attributes, he becomes incredible.
You see his sweetness in The Trouble with Spells and as you read through The Demon Kiss, you begin to see the darkness he fights. Your heart races and breaks a little for him and you want nothing more than to take him in your arms and hold him. You cheer Portia for looking into his heart and soul and loving the goodness in him, but you also get those tingly feelings - you know the ones in your stomach when you see him buckle a little, when you see him come just that more darker.
Keep reading through to Blood of the White Witch - here's a small tease - Vance in a kilt! Yep, for all my Highlander loving friends, Vance dons a plaid and he is spectacular. I have serious love for book 3 because Vance really explodes in it and if you aren't a fan of his yet, you will be once you're done.
But the Vance I'm completely devoted to... the Vance I'm tempted to have tattooed on a secret place ... the Vance I want to have babies with, is Vance of book four and you'll all get to see him in a month. This is Vance at his greatest and I have one word for him in The Dark Rising - EPIC. I get goose bumps just thinking of him because he is positively DELICIOUS.
In your mind, what do you imagine Vance to be like if he lost the battle again the dark within and gave in to the demon aspect? Would he still be Vance, or would he be something more? What if he wasn't as sweet as before but had a more arrogant, evil nature? What if instead of ravishing you with kisses, he pulled you into his arms and bit you? Vance with that kind of "edge" will seriously blow your mind and it's what sealed the deal for me.
My name is Belinda and I'm a Vance-a-holic and if there's a cure - I want no part of it. Forget Team Edward, Team Jacob, Team anybody.... it's all Vance Mangum, baby! Come join the team!"
  Woo hoo!  There you have it people!  Thanks Belinda!  I couldn’t have said it better myself!  So I wonder how all the rest of you feel about Vance?

About the Book-

The Demon KissCan someone else's past come back to bite you?

After being drained of nearly all the blood in her body, novice witch, Portia Mullins, wakes up to find that her warlock boyfriend, Vance Mangum, has fled in search of his demon father. Determined to keep him from facing the evil alone Portia follows after him, unknowingly setting herself on the path of a new adventure that will take her, Vance, and their coven over international borders, into a foreign place where they will discover that the black magic which awaits them is far worse than they ever imagined. Portia finds herself tangled up in a web of lies and deceit in another's quest for demonic power in the excitingly romantic second paranormal novel in the Of Witches and Warlocks Series, The Demon Kiss.

About Lacey- 

Lacey Weatherford has always had a love of books.  She wanted to become a writer after reading her first Nancy Drew novel at the age of eight.

When she is not reading, writing, blogging, or doing book tours for her current series, she can often be found out at sporting/musical events which her kids are in or texting like crazy with her best friend.

Lacey resides in the White Mountains of Arizona, where she lives with her husband, six children, one son-in-law, and the family dog Sophie.

The Demon Kiss Tour Grand Prize:

The Grand Prize winner will receive swag, signed copies of books 1, 2, 3, & 4, AND will be written into an interactive scene with VANCE in book four too!

Want extra entries? You can get 1 more entry for every time you comment on the tour, and 5 more entries for every time you send a Tweet or Facebook the link to that day’s blog post. Make sure you keep track of those as you will be asked to submit verification links when you enter the giveaway. 

Good Luck!  May the “Vance” be with YOU!

Check out my review of this great book!

My Giveaway:

Thanks to the author, I am able to give away 2 digital copies of the book. (Through


Leave your name and email.

Extra Entries-
  1. Follow me via GFC +2
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  4. Subscribe to my blog via email. Must be verified to count
  5. Be my friend on Goodreads. 
  6. Follow Lacey on Twitter.
Contest ends June 8th at 11:59pm EST. Winners will be receiving a coupon code to be used on . Please make sure that your email is correct so I can send you the coupon code.


  1. No need to enter me, I just won a copy yesterday, YAY!

    I'm so glad you found Belinda. It really sounds like a great kinship. We really should thank the internet daily. None of this would be possible. I wouldn't have met the people and authors that I have. Or heard of this series! So I'm thankful. I'm actually going to go finish Trouble with Spells now ;)

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  2. I'm not entering, I already have it :)
    I'm just going to say that Fate smiled on the two of you. And I'm so happy it did or else we'd never have The Bookish Snob, so thank you Fate.

  3. This is Valerie. Google is being a pain with my own e-mail account. No entry for me.

    That is pretty crazy that you two have been to the same family reunion and never met.

    I laughed at the kilt, then choked on my drink at the theatre while waiting for a screening to start. I think we need proof that your muse can rock a kilt.

    I love Vance because of the depth of love he shows Portia and how, even with his demon side, still sticks to his morals. Not to mention that knowing Vanve is based oh the ever so sexy and talented Matt Lanter, I imagine him doing the things Lacey wrote. I can picture his facial expressions, his voice, everything. I don't have to say how much I'm looking forward to book 4.

  4. I love this post but then again, I am a little biased! LOL

  5. I want to thank the lovely Books R Us gals, Eileen and Melissa for hosting me on their lovely site! It's much appreciated! :D I love the whole Mom/Daughter thing! What a wonderful way to be even closer! Blogging/Reading is so much fun!

    @Vivien I was just having this discussion with Belinda about how we would die with out the internet! LOL It would KILL our business! It definitely is a blessing for sure! I'm so happy it brought us all together! :D

    @Krysta Gasp!! What would the world be like without The Bookish Snob?!? What a dreadful thought!!

    @Valerie LOL! Ah the kilt! Some like it...some don't, but that's as far as I could go with it. There was nooooo way Vance would have let me put him in it for the party! HAHA! We were lucky to get a tux on him! He's too laid back for all of that. :D I'm glad you see Matt. I think he's wonderful and that's definitely what I'm seeing when I write! :D

  6. Ahh I loved the thoughts from Belinda! Vance sounds like he is going to be awesome!

    GFC follower
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    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Sounds fabulous!

    GFC follower
    Twitter follower @Bookworm Lisa (both)
    Like on facebook (Lisa snider Faber)
    Goodreads friend.
    ke7yca at gmail dot com

  8. How wonderful that Lacey and Belinda's friendship took off so quickly!

    Follow me via GFC +2
    Follow Books R Us on Twitter. @tessaa99
    Like Books R Us on Facebook. Meredith M
    Subscribe to my blog via email.
    Be my friend on Goodreads. Meredith M
    Follow Lacey on Twitter. @tessaa99

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  9. thanks soo much for this giveaway!!!
    i really wanna read this series!

    i'm a GFC follower-Janhvi Jagtap

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  10. Hi~~ I am a GFC follower, Serene
    would very much love to read this =D

    my email is serenekua AT gmail DOT com


  11. What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you so much. I have not read this and would love to do so.
    GFC follower Denise Zaky
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