, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF THE PERSONAL MICRODERM FOR YOUNGER LOOKING SKIN., pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Everyone is looking for youthful skin and some people have spent hundreds of dollars to obtain beautiful skin. Many people have gone to dermatologists or spas to get a microdermabrasion treatment on their face or another part of their body. Microdermabrasion uses a machine to buff off the dead skin and allows the skin to glow and look healthier. I have never had a professional treatment due to cost and I was reluctant to try something new. So when I was offered the opportunity to try the PMD home microdermabrasion kit, I decided to give it a try.

The system includes:
  1. 1 personal microderm.
  2. 6 exfoliating discs (2 green and 4 blue in 2 different sizes)
  3. 1 electric cord (Standard U.S. Outlet).
  4. 1 facial cap.
  5. 1 body cap.
  6. 1 reusable filter.
  7. Instructional CD and Pamphlet.

There are two disc sizes included in the kit. The larger discs can be used on your cheeks and forehead but I used the smaller one around my nose. The Personal Microderm (PMD) is not only for your face but can be used on other parts of your body. It is important that you watch the DVD included because if the treatment is not done correctly a scar can be formed on the skin.

So how do you use it? 

  1. Watch the DVD.
  2. Insert the disc and apply the appropriate cap. The cap should be screwed on tightly or the device will not work correctly.
  3. Wash your face and dry it  thoroughly.
  4. Turn on the PMD.
  5. Pull your skin tight with your fingers to provide a smooth surface and drag the disc across your face. (Do not hover in one spot for too long. Severe irritation and a scar can form.)
  6. After the treatment is completed wash your face.
  7. Apply toner and moisturizer. I was supplied with a sample of the M2 Skin Refinish and Recovery Moisturizer. I applied the 2 products a day after the treatment because it can cause irritation if applied right after the treatment.
  8. Perform the treatment every 5-7 days for a month, every 2 weeks for another month and then once a month.
My Thoughts-

I did not know what to expect when I turned the unit on and boy was it loud. It made a vibrating/grinding sound and I though I was going to wake may kids up in the other room. When I touched it to my face, I could feel the suction pulling on my face. It took me a couple of times to get use to holding the device but now I feel very comfortable using it. My skin became reddened but it went away quickly after the treatments. If you are a beginner, I recommend using the blue discs and work your way up to the green discs.

I suffer from mild rosacea and my skin actually felt smoother and more even in tone after the treatments. I used the blue disc for delicate skin on my face and the green disc on my elbows. I am definitely going to continue using the PMD and I have recommended it to my friends.

Disclaimer: I received a free PMD device for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review. Please see my disclosure policy.


  1. How awesome! I paid a lot of money for a treatment like this in a spa (before I got married 3 years ago). Would be nice to have this to do myself at home!

    Emily @ Baby Dickey

  2. Loved the review - especially the beginning about how you thought it was going to wake your kids up. It made me laugh, but I like the product!! Kellie at Dashing for Deals

  3. I've always wondered about this home treatment/device.Looks like you can get one for what one or two treatments in a salon would cost which is a huge time/money saver Thanks for your honest review



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