, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: BLOG TOUR AND REVIEW OF THE TWILIGHT GOSPEL BY D. ROBERTS, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The Twilight Gospel: The Spiritual Roots of the Stephenie Meyer Vampire SagaThe Twilight series has become  a major rave in the last couple of years. What are the hidden meanings behind the story? In the The Twilight Gospel: The Spiritual Roots of the Stephenie Meyer Vampire Saga, Mr. Roberts delves into the spiritual roots of the vampire saga. He discusses many of the values and ideas that S. Meyers wants to express in her books. He discusses a variety of topics including fear, enchantment, family, sexuality, myths and legends, and many other topics. In the beginning of the book, he summarizes all of the books in the series including Midnight Sun. If you have never read the series, there are a few spoilers offered. Vampires were always considered evil and the twilight series was considered controversial and many parents did not want their teens to read it.
I have read all of the books and I felt that Roberts did a good job in explaining the saga on a Christian point of view.
The book was a quick and easy read. In the ending of the book the author mentions that the series should be read with caution because there are flaws. Everyone has their own opinions and the book gives you an insight into the author’s feelings on the subject. The book is a good reference to the characters of the story and there are scriptures included to help explain the information. If you want to dive deeper in the true meaning of the series, this is the book for you. I have always been interested in the supernatural and vampires and I will always read books about them. Does that make me a bad Christian? No, I am well rounded and open to new ideas.
About the Author-

Dave Roberts is the author of the best-selling The Toronto Blessing and Red Moon Rising with joint sales in excess of 100,000. He is a former editor of Christianity and won awards for his work on Renewal magazine. He is a local church pastor and conference director for three major annual conferences on worship, children's ministry, and women's ministry.


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Disclaimer: I received a free book from Litfuse Publicity for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.


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