, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF TOTALLY TONED ARMS BY RYLAN DUGGAN, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, January 1, 2010



To all of those who made New Years resolutions to get in shape,let me be the first to introduce the Book Totally Toned Arms by Rylan Duggan.

Rylan is a personal trainer and has specialized in women's sculpting for many years. When President Obama was elected to office, everybody was impressed with Michelle Obama's arms that they wanted their arms to look like hers. Rylan received so many letters and emails that Totally Toned Arms was born.

I was so excited when I received the book in the mail and I read it right away. In the book, he discusses the three step system for sculpted and sexy arms. Each step is explained in detail and examples are provided to help clarify the steps. He describes the equipment that is needed and all of the exercises can be done at home or in the gym. The equipment needed for working out at home are dumbbells, an exercise ball, and a resistance band. Rylan explains each piece of equipment in detail in the book and how to use them correctly.

The resistance band is to be attached to a door and my mom was a little concerned that it may damage the door so we followed the instructions that were provided in the book and the You Tube video. It worked fine and the door was ok.

The book was easy to read. All of the exercises used have pictures to explain the correct technique. The author incorporates diet and cardiovascular training into the workout routine that involves the whole body. The sections covered are:

Strength Training.
Cardiovascular Training.
The Nutrition Program.
The 21 Day Program.
The Maintenance Plan.

Although I have not started the program, I feel that the information provided will help you fulfill your New Years resolution. Can You get Michelle Obama arms in 21 days? Enter my contest and maybe you will win a copy of the book.

Thanks for reading

Disclosure: I was given a copy of the book by the publisher for review and was not compensated in any other way.


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