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Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Title: Midnight at the Taj Mahal: The Out of School Adventures #1
Author: Brynn Olenberg Sugerman
Publisher: Create space
Date Published: July 31, 2012
Purchase Book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble

About the Book:

Hailey and Zach are out of school on a year long adventure. First stop: India! The excitement begins the moment they step off the plane. Hailey and Zach are entrusted with the magical diary of Shah Jahan, legendary builder of the Taj Mahal, and are whisked off on their first real adventure. The Taj pool shimmers in the full moon, and suddenly the twins are not just traveling the world but traveling back in time, sent on a mission to free the shah and his princess daughter from their prison tower. With the help of their ingenious friend, Sushil, anything seems possible. Can they help the shah win back his rightful place on the throne? Will they change India's history forever? Time is running out! Will they succeed before their parents' work in India is done, and it's time for them to move on?

About the Author: 

Brynn Olenberg Sugarman graduated from SUNY Binghamton with a BA in Creative Writing and from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem with an MA in English Literature. Midnight at the Taj Mahal is her first novel and reflects her lifelong love of travel and fascination with time travel. In addition, she is the author of the award-winning picture book Rebecca’s Journey Home. Brynn lives with her husband and three children in Ra’anana, Israel, close to the sparkling Mediterranean Sea.  

My Thoughts:

This is a mystical, magical, educational and interesting novel that every one should enjoy especially children. Full of memorable characters that will entertain and educate you. Her description of India and it's people was fantastic and I felt that I was right there with the characters interacting with them. Many historical novels have bored me but Brynn has written a novel that kept me engaged, and interested.  I finished the book rather quickly and I stayed up late to finish it.  I definitely recommend that you read this book and I cannot wait to read the next book in the series to be set in Jerusalem.

Read an Excerpt Now 

Connect with the Author:


I received a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Title: The Neighbors
Authors:  Ania Ahlborn
Thomas & Mercer

Date Published: 
November 27, 2012
Purchase Book:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble

About the Book:

Everything—his childhood, his education, and the girl of his dreams—to look after his alcoholic mother. But enough is enough, and now he’s determined to get out and live his life. That means trading the home he grew up in for a rented room in the house of an old childhood friend— both of which are in sorry shape.
The only thing worse than Drew’s squalid new digs and sullen new roommate is the envy he feels for the house next door: a picture-perfect suburban domicile straight out of Norman Rockwell, with a couple of happy householders to match. But the better acquainted he gets with his new neighbors—especially the sweet and sexy Harlow Ward—the more he suspects unspeakable darkness beyond the white picket fence.

About the Author: 

Born in Ciechanów, Poland, Ania Ahlborn is also the author of the supernatural thriller Seed, and is currently working on her third novel. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of New Mexico, enjoys gourmet cooking, baking, drawing, traveling, movies, and exploring the darkest depths of the human (and sometimes inhuman) condition. She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with her husband and two dogs.

Connect with the Author:

My Thoughts:

What a great psychological thriller. It was full of characters who were twisted, disturbed and they kept me engaged and interested. The main character Harlow was unpredictable showing up when you never expected it and the other characters complimented her personality well. This is one of the best books that I have read this year and I definitely will read her next book The Shuddering due out early 2013. A great read and highly recommended.


I received a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review. 


Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I Would like to welcome Roy Segal to Books R Us. Roy is the author of The Devil's Dream. Thanks for stopping by.


What was your inspiration for writing “The Devil’s Dream?”
I am always amazed by documentaries about psychics solving crimes.  There seems to be some truth to the fact that psychics can give information to police detectives that could not be obtained in any other way.  I also like to write stories about characters that are upset by the injustices of this world.  Combine those two ideas and you get the narrator of my story, a man who has dreams about crimes yet to take place, who must struggle to find ways to prevent those crimes from taking place.  Thus, he can act to protect a victim, not just find the bad guy.
Do you ever have writer’s block?
I find when I am writing well there is a sense of action and movement, and drama.  When I get stuck I think that maybe I am just bored because I haven’t created enough suspense in my story.  I then try to think what twists will draw the reader in by creating more suspense.  There is an element of creativity to writing, but also an element of logic.  I want my novels to make sense.  Whatever kind of universe is created in the story, it should have consistent rules so that the readers always know what to expect.  In “Superman” for example, we know that he can’t be hurt by bullets from a gun, but that Kryptonite will weaken him and make him lose all his power.  Thus, the reader knows that if the bad guy has Kryptonite Superman is in trouble.  Whatever world is created in a novel, it should have consistent rules, even if there is magic or supernatural elements.
What advice would you give a writer starting out?
I would tell new writers to find the story that is burning inside them that wants to come out.  If a writer is inspired the reader will feel the energy and commitment the writer had when he wrote the story.  If the story is simply invented by a gimmick, however showy, the writing will suffer.  I think this is the key to good writing.
Who is your favorite character in the book?
Caroline Cash, the police officer, who is not sure if her boyfriend is a good guy or a villain.  She has the courage to offer her love completely, which many people can’t do.
Where can we buy your book?
It is available on for kindle and for kindle and ePub and nook and other formats.


          I am a private math tutor in New York City.  I help high school and college students pass their math courses, and I also tutor the SAT.  I have been writing fiction for nine years, and I have taken a dozen writing workshops at The New School and studied with Fran Gordon.  I write mystery and mainstream fiction.  I have recently attended the Book Expo America writing conference, and also the Philadelphia Writer’s Conference. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I want to welcome Peter Leonard to Books R Us. Peter is touring the blogosphere with his suspense novel Voices of the Dead . Thanks for stopping by.

AUTHOR: Peter Leonard
The Story Plant
PAGES: 320


The year is 1971. The place is Detroit. Harry Levin, a scrap metal dealer and Holocaust survivor, has just learned that his daughter was killed in a car accident. Traveling to Washington, DC to claim the body, he learns that the accident was caused by a German diplomat who was driving drunk. This is only the beginning of the horror for Harry, though, as he discovers that the diplomat will never face charges – he has already been released and granted immunity. Enraged and aggrieved, Harry discovers the identity of his daughter’s killer, follows him to Munich, and hunts him down. What Harry finds out about the diplomat and his plans will explode his life and the lives of everyone around him.

Brimming with action and dark humor,
Voices of the Dead, firmly positions Peter Leonard as a writer ever suspense fan needs to read.

Read an Excerpt: 
Hess found out the woman lived on P Street in Georgetown, not far from the consulate. He told the ambassador he was having dinner with potential clients, and wanted to drive himself. It was unorthodox, but plausible. He had been issued one of the embassy’s Mercedes sedans. He stopped at a bookstore and bought a map of the area, and located P Street. He drove there and saw the Goldman residence, a federal-style brick townhouse.

Hess went to a restaurant and had dinner and a couple drinks. At ten o’clock he drove back, parked around the corner on 32nd Street between two other vehicles so the license plate was not visible to anyone driving by. He walked to the Goldmans’, stood next to a tree in front of the three-story townhouse. There were lights on the first floor. He walked to the front door and rang the buzzer. He could hear footsteps and voices inside. A light over the door went on. Hess stood in the open so whoever it was would see he was well dressed. The door opened, a man standing there, assumed he was Dr. Mitchell Goldman, dark hair, big nose, mid-forties, top of the shirt unbuttoned, exposing a gold chain and a five-pointed star.

Hess smiled. “My car is on the fritz. May I use your phone to call a tow truck?”

 Dr. Goldman stared at him with concern. “I am staying just down the street at the consulate,” Hess said, smiling. Now the door opened and he stepped into the elegant foyer, chandelier overhead, marble floor.

“Mitch, who is it?” a woman said from a big open room to his right.

Dr. Goldman looked in her direction. “Guy’s having car trouble, wants to use the phone.”
 “It’s ten o’clock at night.”
 “He’ll just be a minute,” the dentist said.

Hess could see the woman sitting on a couch, watching television.

“The phone’s in here.” The dentist started to move.

Hess drew the Luger from the pocket of his suit jacket,and aimed it at Goldman.

The dentist put his hands up. “Whoa. Easy.”
 “Who is in the house?”

 “Just the two of us.”

 “Are you expecting anyone?” He shook his head.

 “Tell her to come in here,” Hess said.

 “What do you want? You want money?” He took his wallet out and handed it to him. “There’s eight hundred dollars in there.”

 “Call her,” Hess said. “Hon, come here, will you?”

 “I’m watching ‘All in the Family.’ Can you wait till the commercial?”

 Hess could hear people laughing on the television.

 “Just for a minute,” the dentist said.

Hess saw her stand up and step around a low table in front of the couch, moving across the room, still looking back at the television. She turned her head as she entered the foyer and saw him holding the gun. Her hair looked darker in the dim light but he had only seen her briefly that day.

 “Oh-my-god,” she said, hands going up to her face.

 “We’re reasonable people,” the dentist said. “Tell us what you want.”

About the Author:

Peter Leonard’s debut novel, QUIVER, was published to international acclaim in 2008 (“A spectacular will be holding your breath until the final page.”– The New York Sun). It was followed by TRUST ME in 2009 (“TRUST ME is fast, sly and full of twists.” – Carl Hiaasen, New York Times bestselling author). The Story Plant will publish Leonard’s newest novel, ALL HE SAW WAS THE GIRL, in the spring of 2012.

My Thoughts: 

I have to admit that I am not a fan of espionage thrillers but this book was fantastic. I was drawn in from the first page and finished the story rather quickly. There was action, suspense, humor and a cast of characters that made the book interesting. Throughout the book there are times when we find ourselves in Nazi Germany with scenes that were very realistic and well researched. The Main character, Harry, was a child during those horrific times and escapes death. When his daughter was killed by a diplomat, he travels to Munich to track the killer down. The killer looks familiar to him and he finally figures out who he is. All of the supporting characters interacted well. I especially liked Cordell who was Harry's sidekick. He was funny, charming and added energy to the story. If you like suspense and historical novels this is the book for you. 

Disclaimer: I was given a free book by the author and Partners in Crime Tours for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I want to welcome James LePore to Books R us. James is the author of numerous suspense novels and is touring the blogosphere with his newest novel Gods and Fathers being released today. Thanks for stopping by.

Book Details:

Title: Gods and Fathers
Publisher: The Story Plant.
Publication Date: February 7, 2012
Purchase: Amazon|Barnes & Noble.

About the Book:

Nationally bestselling author James LePore has established a reputation as a writer whose vividly drawn characters and morally complex plots have kept readers up to all hours turning pages. His new novel promises more sleepless nights and more nonstop thrills.

Matt DeMarco is an accomplished Manhattan attorney with more than his share of emotional baggage. His marriage ended disastrously, his ex-wife has pulled their son away from him, and her remarriage to a hugely successful Arab businessman has created complications for Matt on multiple levels. However, his life shifts from troubled to imperiled when two cops – men he's known for a long time – come into his home and arrest his son as the prime suspect in the murder of the boy's girlfriend.

Suddenly, the enmity between Matt and his only child is no longer relevant. Matt must do everything he can to clear his son, who he fully believes is innocent. Doing so will require him to quit his job and make enemies of former friends – and it will throw him up against forces he barely knew existed and can only begin to comprehend how to battle.

GODS AND FATHERS is at once a powerful mystery and a provocative international thriller, all of it presented with LePore's signature fascinating characters placed in dire circumstances where every choice poses new and potentially fatal challenges.

About the Author: 

James LePore is an attorney who has practiced law for more than two decades, and an accomplished photographer. He is the author of three previous novels, A WORLD I NEVER MADE, BLOOD OF MY BROTHER, and SONS AND PRINCES, as well as the story collection, ANYONE CAN DIE. He lives in Westchester County, NY with his wife, artist Karen Chandler. Please visit the author's site

Read an Excerpt:

“Why can’t you stay at your mother’s when they’re away?”
“I told you, Basil’s worried about security.”
Though this statement was challengeable on several levels, Matt let it pass. The marriage six years ago of Debra DeMarco, nee Rusillo, and Basil al-Hassan, a rich and handsome Syrian businessman, had marked the beginning of the end of Matt’s long and tortured fight for a place in his son’s heart. Armed with the ultimate weapon—-her new husband’s money—-Debra had made quick work of destroying the last vestiges of Matt’s hopes. A penthouse on Park Avenue, a beach house in Easthampton, a flat in Paris, a “cottage” in Bermuda, clothes and cars virtually on demand, Matt had no way of competing with all this, and no way of expressing his anger—-until tonight.
“What about Mina?” Matt asked.
“What about her?”
“Why aren’t you seeing her?”
“She’s studying.”
“Yes, studying. You keep repeating what I say. She’s a student. Students study.”
This statement was delivered dismissively, not sarcastically. You’re stupid, Dad. I’m tired of you. Why am I bothering with you? are what Matt heard, and it occurred to him, with a clarity that shocked him after all these muddled and painful years of effort and rejection, effort and rejection, ad nauseum, that he could not hurt Michael, that his own son was indifferent to him, and this was a blow, and strangely a release.
“Well, your friends are assholes, and you are too, Michael. You’re an arrogant, shallow asshole. Where you came from, I don’t know. But not from me.”
“That could be. Maybe Mom had an affair–like you did--and I’m not your son. Do I care? No, I don’t. Can I go upstairs now? I’ll leave in the morning.”
In the kitchen, Matt poured himself another scotch. He took the pizza out of the refrigerator and sat down to eat it, surprised to find that he actually had an appetite. Until tonight, despite the bad cards he had drawn, he had never stopped trying to break through to his son. It’s over, he said to himself, over and done. He’s not your son. He’s Debra’s son, Basil’s son. You lost him a long time ago.
He finished the pizza and was wrapping the garbage to take out in the morning when the doorbell rang. Looking out the kitchen window he saw that it was snowing heavily. Those idiots, he thought, they’re probably stuck someplace. No choice but to let them in. But when he swung open the front door, it wasn’t Adnan and Ali, but his friends Jack McCann and Clarke Goode, homicide detectives who he had worked with for many years, standing facing him. He could see their unmarked car at the curb, and behind it, blocking his driveway, a Pound Ridge patrol car, its engine running and headlights on, two uniformed officers in the front seat. McCann, a florid Irishman whose blue eyes were usually lit by some inner secret joke, looked grim; and Goode, a gnarled black man who never failed to greet Matt with a big smile, was not smiling. Far from it.
“Come in. What’s up?” Matt said. Then, nodding toward the street where the patrol car sat: “What’s with the uniforms?”
The two detectives stepped into the foyer.
“Take your coats off,” Matt said. He could see they were dressed for work, sport jackets and ties on under their trench coats.
“Matt...,” McCann said.
“Talk, Jack,” Matt said. “Is somebody dead?”
“Is Michael home?” Goode asked. He had not taken off his coat, and neither had McCann.
“That’s his car out there,” Matt said. “You know that.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s upstairs.”
Matt looked from McCann to Goode, then back to McCann; looked in the eyes of each, and did not like what he saw. “What about Michael?” he asked.
“We’re here to arrest him,” McCann replied.
“For what?” Drugs, Matt thought, good, let the kid get a taste of the pain he’s always inflicting on others. Him and his two Arab suppliers.
“For murder, Matt,” Goode said.

My Thoughts:
I have always been a fan of suspense novels and Mr LePore's novel is full of twists and turns that kept me engaged and interested. Matt is an interesting character who has quite a temper but takes care of his family. There were times that I was a little confused by the switch of characters but I was able to follow the storyline.  All of the characters complemented each other and added to the story.  The ending was a surprise and the epilogue tied up the story well. the book was well written and I recommend it to everyone who likes a good mystery loaded with suspense.


Thanks to the author I am able to give away a signed copy of one of the author's earlier books called A World I Never Made. 

Contest ends on 2/16/12 @11:59pm EST. See rafflecopter for rules.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Every eBook received for review on the tours for Partners In Crime are given in exchange for an honest review. The eBooks are sole property (copyrighted) of the author and should not be sold, distributed to, or exchanged among other people not part of the tours, nor should they be listed on file sharing sites

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Title: The Seer.
Author: Martha Harris
Publisher: Dorrance Publishing Co.
Publication Date: October 28, 2011

About the Book:

Bobbi Wheeler is a psychiatrist who uses her psychic abilities to help her patients deal with depression and grief. This ability to know her patients' history and inner thoughts through a simple "touch" is the reason behind her successful therapy sessions with satisfied clients.

Bobbi doesn't always view her abilities as a gift, but a curse, because not all of her dreams are pleasant. She saw her grandfather's death in a dream when she was young child and tried to prevent it but couldn't. This started her feelings of helplessness whenever she dreams about dangers involving people she encountered and touched by chance.

While she may know the ways in dealing with emotional pain, she is also somehow battling with her own frailties and inner turmoil, making her long for the ocean and the pleasant things about it to give her peace. It is in one of these trips that she meets Lance Wolfe, a nonbeliever in psychics and a widower who blames himself for the death of his wife in a car accident. His guilt somehow hinders him from loving another woman again. Nonetheless, Bobbi opens his heart once more, but not completely. He seems to have the gift, as it is with him that Bobbi learns she can communicate using thoughts alone and go through someone else's psychic's mind.

In one of her visits to Lance's house in Belford, Bobbi feels like she's been inside a man who gave her the most horrifying nightmare ever. This man who for a time she mistook as one of her patients, Tobias Emerson murders a couple in her dreams. This man has the ability to control minds and although she is able to go inside the dream and prevent him from doing the crime, the man prevails over her and goes ahead with the carnage. After the police get involved, the man has only one thing on his mind killing her.

My Thoughts:

When I started reading the book, I found it hard to get into but I was glad that I decided to continue reading. There were twists and turns that kept me engaged and an ending that will surprise you. The main character, Bobbi, was likeable and very interesting. Bobbi has visions or nightmares that were vivid, descriptive and frightening. Bobbi has a special ability to see a person's inner most thoughts through touch. She sees a new client, Tobias, and feels nothing when she touches him and she realizes that he is very different. There is tension between her love interest, Lance, and their relationship grows as the story unfolds. If you like mystery,romance and the supernatural then you will enjoy the book.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of the book as a member of the Dorrance Publishing Review Team. Visit to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Witch SongThe world is changing. Once, Witch Song controlled everything from the winds to the shifting of the seasons-but not anymore. All the Witches are gone, taken captive by a traitor. All but Brusenna. As the echo of their songs fade, the traitor grows stronger. Now she is coming for Brusenna. Her guardian has sworn to protect her, but even he can't stop the Dark Witch. Somehow, Brusenna has to succeed where every other Witch has failed. Find the traitor. Fight her. Defeat her. Because if Brusenna doesn't, there won't be anything left to save.

About the Author-

Amber Argyle grew up with three brothers on a cattle ranch in the Rocky Mountains. She spent hours riding horses, roaming the mountains, and playing in her family's creepy barn. This environment fueled her imagination while she was writing her debut novel. She has worked as a short-order cook and a janitor in a mental institution, all of which gave her great insight into the human condition and has made for some unique characters. She received her bachelor's degree in English and physical education from Utah State University. 
Read an Excerpt.

My Thoughts-

I was hooked from the first page and I was taken into a world of magic, innocence, adventure and drama. The main character, Brusenna is witty, charming, magical and stubborn and the author takes you on a fantastic journey to save the last of the witches. Brusenna travels with her guardian, Joshen who is protective of her and they develop a bond that gets stronger throughout novel. The medieval touch, and the scene descriptions were fantastic and all of the characters were developed fully.  This is a fantastic YA debut novel and I hope the author continues to write in the future. Ms Argyle has a wonderful imagination and a writing style that kept me interested and I could not put the book down. I recommend this book to everyone who loves fantasy, paranormal and a touch of romance.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I want to welcome Paul Levine to Books R Us. Paul is the author the the Jake Lassiter Series and is touring the blogosphere with his book, Flesh & Bones.  Thanks for stopping by.

About the Book:

"I was sitting at the end of the bar sipping single-malt Scotch when I spotted the tall blond woman with the large green eyes and the small gray gun.” The next thing Jake Lassiter knows, the woman pumps three bullets into the man on the next barstool.
And Jake, the linebacker-turned-lawyer, has a new client.
FLESH & BONES (The Jake Lassiter Series)
She’s stunning model Chrissy Bernhardt, and the dead man is her wealthy father. The defense? Chrissy claims that she’s recently recovered repressed memories of having been sexually abused by her father. Jake wants to believe her but suspects that the memories were either implanted by a shady psychiatrist or fabricated by Chrissy herself. Complicating the situation, Jake falls for his client, clouding his judgment. Is she an anguished victim or a cold-blooded killer? And what about her brother, who stands to inherit a fortune if Chrissy goes to prison? Jake wades into a quagmire of dirty water deals, big money, and family corruption, all leading to an explosive finale.

About the author:

The author of 14 novels, Paul Levine won the John D. MacDonald fiction award and has been nominated for the Edgar, Macavity, International Thriller, and James Thurber prizes. His critically acclaimed and bestselling “Jake Lassiter” novels have been published in 21 countries. The first of the series, “To Speak for the Dead,” was named one of the top ten thrillers of the year by the Los Angeles Times, and is now a bestselling e–book. A former trial lawyer, he wrote more than 20 episodes of the CBS military drama “JAG” and co-created “First Monday,” starring James Garner and Joe Mantegna. He is also the author of the “Solomon vs. Lord” series and the thriller “Illegal.” His next novel will be “Lassiter,” due in Fall 2011 from Bantam.

My Thoughts:

I have always enjoyed mystery novels and Flesh & Bones was a great book. This is the first book that I have read by the author and will not be the last. The book grabbed me from the first page. As I read on I was captivated by how the author combined, mystery, romance, humor and a group of characters that worked well together keeping the storyline interesting and flowing. There were twists and turns throughout the book that kept me guessing and entertained. If you like psychological thrillers then this is the book for you. I wish the book did not have to end so quickly and I wanted more. I guess I have to wait till the next book in the series comes out in the Fall.

Author's Website.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I want to welcome Paul Levine to Books R Us. Paul is the author the the Jake Lassiter Series and is touring the blogosphere with his book, Flesh & Bones.  Stop by tomorrow for my review of the book.


“They don’t call us sharks for our ability to swim.”

FLESH & BONES (The Jake Lassiter Series) So says Jake Lassiter in “Flesh & Bones.”  Or rather, he thinks it in interior dialogue, sometimes called interior monologue.  It’s one way to reveal character and answer the reader’s question: Just who is this guy, anyway?

 I’ll let Jake answer that question, but first I wanted you to know that the international bestseller “Flesh & Bones” is now an e-book priced for a short time at $0.99, with all proceeds going to Hershey Children’s Hospital for cancer treatment. 
 Now back to Jake:  “A good lawyer is part con man, part priest—promising riches, threatening hell.  The rainmakers are the best paid and have coined a remarkably candid phrase: We eat what we kill.” 
 The linebacker-turned-lawyer is a brew and burger guy in a paté and Chardonnay world.  Noting the sign over the judge’s bench -- “We who labor here seek only the truth…” -- he  adds his own footnote: “Subject to the truth being concealed by lying witnesses, distorted by sleazy lawyers, and excluded by inept judges.”

 In “Flesh & Bones,” Jake’s client, model Chrissy Bernhardt, is accused of killing her father, claiming she had been raped by him as a child.  Jake seethes at hearing this.  Anger is not usually helpful in making important decisions, but with Jake, his fury helps form his legal strategy:

 “The male animal.  At the low end of the evolutionary scale, he lords his physical superiority over women, beating and raping.  At the very bottom, this horned beast is the father who would rape his own child.  For a moment, I felt like killing Harry Bernhardt myself.  Which made me think...if I get the jury to feel the same way, maybe I can win this case.”

 Complicating the murder trial, Jake falls for his client, while at the same time doubting her truthfulness.  All of which creates an ethical dilemma:

 “My ethical rules are simple.  I won't lie to the court or let a client do it.  But I've never been in this position before.  How far would I go for a woman who mattered?  Is there anything I wouldn't do to win?”

Is he defending an innocent woman or a guilty one?  Is there such a thing as true justice?  Rather than answer those questions – and spoil the book! – I’ll leave you with Jake’s final thoughts:
 " We seek justice in the courthouse, just as we seek holiness in a house of worship.  Justice is an ideal, a vague concept we strive for but can barely define.  Justice is the North Star, the burning bush, the holy virgin.  It cannot be bought, sold, or mass produced.  It is intangible and invisible, but if you are to spend your life in its pursuit, it is best to believe it exists, and that you can attain it."

 “Flesh & Bones” and all the Jake Lassiter novels are available on  Kindle, Nook, and Smashwords.  More information please visit  Paul Levine’s Website.  


About the Author-

The author of 14 novels, Paul Levine won the John D. MacDonald fiction award and has been nominated for the Edgar, Macavity , International Thriller and James Thurber prizes. His critically acclaimed and bestselling "Jake Lassiter" novels have been published in 21 countries. The first of the series, "To Speak for the Dead," was named one of the top ten thrillers of the year by the Los Angeles Times. A former trial lawyer, he wrote more than 20 episodes for the series "JAG" and co-created "First Monday," Staring James Garner and Joe Mantegna. His next novel "Lassiter," will be published in the Fall of 2011 by Bantam.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Join Heather Haven, author of the humorous mystery, Murder is a Family Business (MuseItUp Publishing, January 2011) as she virtually tours the blogosphere in May on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

Murder is a Family Business (The Alvarez Family Murder Mystery series)Just because a man cheats on his wife and makes Danny DeVito look tall, dark and handsome, is that any reason to kill him? The reluctant and quirky PI, Lee Alvarez doesn’t think so. But the 34-year old ½ Latina, ½ WASP and 100% detective has her work cut out for her when the man is murdered on her watch.  Of all the nerve. Set in the present, Murder is a Family Business is the first in a series of humorous mysteries revolving around Lee Alvarez, a combination of Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Millhone and Janet Evanovitch’ Stephanie Plum, and rest of the Alvarez Family, detectives all. Seemingly light and frothy on the surface, the novel nevertheless explores familial love, the good, the bad and the annoying.
Completing the family is Lee’s Never-Had-A-Bad-Hair-Day aristocratic mother, Lila; computer genius brother, Richard; beloved uncle “Tio;” and her energetic orange and white cat, Tugger. When this group is not solving murders, they run Discretionary Inquiries, a successful Silicon Valley agency that normally deals with the theft of computer software. The love, humor and camaraderie shared within this family are what set this series apart from others.

My Thoughts-

When I first saw the cover with the cute orange kitten, I did not know what to expect. As I started reading the book, I was drawn into the plot and I had to keep reading.  The author combined mystery, suspense and family into a great detective novel.  There were twists and turns throughout the book that made the plot  interesting and fresh. The members of the family complemented the storyline and I really liked Lee and her little kitten Tugger. I look forward to following the Alvarez family in the next book of the series, A Wedding to Die For available now.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.