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Showing posts with label BLOG TOUR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLOG TOUR. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2013

Book Review - A New Birth of Freedom: The Translator

About the Book
Noam Chomsky argues that communication with aliens would be impossible. Stephen Hawking argues that it would be extremely unwise even to try. What if it were absolutely necessary to do so? This question arises with extreme urgency at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, in this time-travel, alternate-history trilogy, A New Birth of Freedom.

About the Author
Robert Pielke, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, now lives in Claremont, California. He earned a B.A. in History at the University of Maryland, an M. Div. in Systematic Theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, and a Ph.D. in Social Ethics from the Claremont Graduate School.

He taught on ground and online for countless years at George Mason University in Virginia, El Camino College in California and online for the University of Phoenix. Now happily retired from “the job,” he is doing what he always wanted to do since he wrote his first novel at ten in elementary school. It was one paragraph, three pages long and, although he didn’t know it at the time, it was alternate history.

His academic writings have been in the area of ethics, including a boring academic treatise called Critiquing Moral Arguments, logic, and popular culture. Included in the latter is an analysis of rock music entitled You Say You Want a Revolution: Rock Music in American Culture. He has also published short stories, feature articles, film and restaurant reviews. His novels include a savagely satirical novel on America and its foibles, proclivities and propensities, Hitler the Cat Goes West, and an alternate history, science fiction novel, The Mission.

Most recently, he has updated and revised his book on rock music, which is being republished by McFarland and Co.

He swims daily, skis occasionally, cooks as an avocation, watches innumerable movies, collects rock and roll concert films, is an avid devotee of Maryland crabs and maintains a rarely visited blog filled with his social and political ravings. His favorite film is the original Hairspray; his favorite song is “A Day in the Life”; his favorite pizza is from the original Ledo Restaurant in College Park, MD; and he is a firm believer in the efficacy of “sex, drugs and rock and roll.” Somehow his family and friends put up with him.

Robert G. Pielke's Web Site:

Robert G. Pielke's Facebook:!/robert.pielke

Robert G. Pielke's Twitter:

Robert G. Pielke's YouTube:

Robert G. Pielke's Goodreads:

A New Birth of Freedom: The Translator Goodreads:

Tribute Books Blog Tours Facebook:

A New Birth of Freedom: The Translator (Book 2) blog tour site:

A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor (Book 1) blog tour site:

Amazon paperback buy link ($16.95)

Whiskey Creek Press paperback buy link ($16.95):
Kindle buy link ($4.99):
Nook buy link ($4.99):
Whiskey Creek Press ebook buy link ($4.99):

My Thoughts:

I have always been a fan of historical and Sci-Fi novels and the author was able to incorporate time travel in the storyline. I did find the book difficult to read because I did not have the opportunity to read the first book in the series. I was a bit confused on who all of the characters were and how they fit into the storyline. There was no description of the pests until the middle of the book but I guessed that they were insect like creatures from the future. I recommend that you read the first book in the series since the Translator is not a stand alone novel. The novel was well researched and included the major players in the Civil War period with the added twist of time travel. If you are a history/Sci-FI fan then this is the book for you.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


 I would like to welcome Heather Huffman to Books R Us. Heather is the author of Roses in Ecuadora romantic suspense novel. Thanks for stopping by.

Becoming a Writer

I’ve always been a writer; I just didn’t know it. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved the written word, but I didn’t consider seriously pursuing publication until my early thirties.
I learned a few lessons on my path to becoming a writer. Whenever I’m asked to share advice with a new writer, my response is the same: The most important thing you can do is write. Finish the book. I know too many people who have been working on the same novel for five or six years. Make time to write on a regular basis, even if you don't feel inspired. I've often sat down feeling completely blah and surprised myself with what I was able to turn out.
When you finish your book, find someone you trust to give you honest feedback on it. The first person I shared Tumbleweed with was cruel with her feedback; I almost stopped writing. After I finished licking my wounds, I made some changes and shared it with a coworker I respected and trusted. Her feedback was kind but honest and it helped me make it a better book. There were actually two coworkers, the inspiration behind Kate’s colleagues in Ties That Bind, whose feedback and encouragement made all the difference. I know I wouldn't have become a published author without them. If they had just said "yep, it's great" I wouldn't have gotten any better. But their approach made a huge difference because no matter how many books you write, it's always tough to share them. A piece of you is in it; it hurts when the book is rejected!
To that end, know now that your book will be rejected before it's accepted. When I first started getting rejection letters and they were form letters, I knew the book must not have been ready to send. I worked on the books some more then submitted again. That round I got personalized letters telling me why it was rejected, so I knew I was getting closer. I took their advice, worked on the book some more, then submitted again. That time I got personal conversations. I was told the writing was beautiful, but they didn't know how to market my books. One agent in particular told me that if I'd write to a formula, she could give me an amazing career as a writer. I chose to stick with my books, the ones I wanted to write. I went indie with them and my publisher found me - once I'd proven there was a market for my novels.
I also tell aspiring authors to learn all they can about the market. There are a few different paths to publication now - traditional, small publishers and indie, but that’s an entire conversation by itself. If you’re willing to work hard, it's a great time to be a writer!


Unknown to each other, they escaped to the heart of Ecuador to make the world a better place, having sworn off the possibility of love... until disaster brings them together.

Jane Russell is certain she's had enough heartbreak for one lifetime, and love is the last thing on her mind when she arrives in Ecuador to study the cats on the local jaguar preservation.

Devon McAllister, the wealthy and handsome son of a well-known corporate mogul, has broken his share of hearts, but he found a new purpose in life when he opened a fair trade rose plantation in Ecuador.

When the jaguar preservation comes under attack by what appears to be a group of angry locals, Jane's search for the missing animals leads her to Devon's backyard. As they sort through the destruction, an unexpected visit by a charming yet secretive U.S. senator reveals the identity and motives of the attackers to be much more sinister than she could have ever imagined.

Through it all, Jane finds her desire for Devon growing ever stronger. But will she ever be able to trust him enough to truly love?


Thanks to the Author, I am able to give away a E copy of the book ( epub, mobi or pdf
18 Years old +, Open World Wide.)


Saturday, January 19, 2013


I would like to welcome Betsy Schow to Books R Us. She is the author of the book Finished Being Fat: An Accidental Adventure in Losing Weight and Learning How to Finish published by Cedar Fort (Jan 8, 2013). Thanks for stopping by.

Guest Post

After many years of being fat and miserable, with a few years of being average and less miserable mixed in, I finally had a light bulb moment. The reason I was unhappy, was not just the extra 75 pounds of pudge I was carrying. It was the weight of all the things unfinished that hung around my neck. I was always having grand ideas. I'd get excited about this diet, or that workout routine. Or starting a new hobby or project. Problem was, within a few weeks the excitement would fade and that little voice would kick in. You know the one I'm talking about.
"You're no good at this. You'll never keep the weight off. Why are you even bothering?" And every time I quit, my wall of failures would get a little higher -- making success that much harder to see. The straw that broke the camel's back, was actually the 10 pounds added in a month that broke the scale one morning. Drastic measures had to be taken, I couldn't keep doing this myself.
What started out as yet another attempt to get rid of the weight around my middle, snowballed into a year of changing my life, my marriage  and the way I raise my kids. Without meaning to I went on an accidental adventure, learning things that fixed the holes in my life, not just the holes in my eating habits. Now I know how to give myself credit for what I do, I can finish what I start, and I've reached impossible dreams. And once you've done the impossible, anything can happen.

Whether your goal is losing weight, running a marathon, cleaning out the basement, or all of the above, this book will teach you how to achieve more than you ever thought possible without sacrificing your sanity or sense of humor.
Buy the book wherever books are sold, or online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Visit me at

Excerpt from Finished Being Fat:


Daily routine: Wake up, feed kids, entertain kids, keep kids from killing each other, put kids to bed, put kids back to bed thirty minutes
later, and then collapse into my own bed and fade into unconsciousness.
My life was a lot like running on a treadmill, a whole lot of effort to get absolutely nowhere. Not that I had much experience with treadmills, mind you, but you get my drift. One morning, I woke up depressed and berated myself for all the things that I wasn’t. Wasn’t skinny, wasn’t accomplished, wasn’t happy. In a fit of masochism, I decided it would be a good time to take on my mortal enemy, the digital scale. The scale and I have always had a hate/more hate relationship. I’ve tried sweet talking it, I’ve tried yelling at it, and I’ve even tried approaching it with cautious optimism. Power of positive thinking and all. Recently, I had given it the silent treatment, refusing to acknowledge its existence. But apparently, I felt the need to punish myself, because there I was again, at seven in the morning, before the children were awake, naked and oh so- carefully avoiding the adjacent mirror (because let’s be honest, who wants to see themselves naked first thing in the morning?) and ever so lightly (because it might make a difference) stepping on the scale. While I waited for the scale to stop blinking 0.00 and pronounce judgment, I began to pray.

“Please, God. Just let it be the same as last month. I’m not asking for it be lower, just . . . please, let it be the same.” God was apparently out of miracles. The scale read 216.4 pounds—ten pounds more than the last month. I looked around just to be sure my fourteen-month-old hadn’t sneaked up behind me, adding her sixteen pounds to the total. Nope, I was alone. So I hopped off and tried again, just in case. Maybe the scale had changed its mind, had a technical error, or something. But no, the evil scale seemed to take joy in my misery and now said 216.6. Ahhhh! I had gained a fifth of a pound in less than a minute. Scenes from my future played out in my mind. I would gain a pound every hour.

Within a week, none of my clothes would fit. By the end of the month, I would have to order everything from an online specialty store, Blobbos. In a year, my husband would need to physically roll me out of the bed and onto a Jazzy scooter because I had gotten so big that my legs wouldn’t support my girth. I was going to be like that woman from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. When I died, they would have to cut a hole in my house just to get me out. Then I’d have to be buried in a packing crate because surely no one would make a coffin large enough to fit me. I back pedaled off the scale so fast that I tripped. That’s when I heard the thud of my life hitting rock bottom. It was so loud it even woke my husband, Jarom. Well, it was either that or the crash from the scale reverberating off the travertine. I imagine he ran into the bathroom, expecting to find that I had slipped in the shower. He probably did not expect to see his naked, overweight wife sprawled on the floor, trying to beat the scale into submission.
“Betsy, what the heck are you doing?”
“I’m fat!” I wailed
My husband, always a man of few words, wisely said nothing and offered me a hand up. For a few minutes, we stood there, him patting my back and me sobbing onto his shoulder. After I had quieted down some, Jarom grabbed a pack of tissues and herded me back into the bedroom.  He sat me down on the bed and wiped the tears and snot off my face, then did the same for his shoulder.
“Now start over and tell me what’s wrong.”

For more information about me, the book, or to get a free personalized daily calorie budget - visit me at

Finished being Fat is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Deseret Book and Seagull Books.

About the Book:

Not everyone can win the race, but everyone can finish it. In her quest to wish away an extra 75 pounds, Betsy changed her life for good. Using her Philosophy of Finishing, she snowballed her efforts from weight loss into a bucket list of seemingly impossible dreams. This inspiring account of one woman's journey will help you find the strength to conquer your most daunting goals and unfinished projects.


 About the Author: 

 After many years of unhappiness and being unpleasantly plump, Betsy Schow found her way to weight loss success and a better life through the Philosophy of Finishing. She shares it all in her first book, Finished being Fat – available January 2013 from Cedar Fort Inc. Her adventure inspired her certify in yoga and fitness so she could help others achieve their goals. You can find her running around the mountains of Utah, chained to her laptop, or wrangling two small children.

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