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Thursday, November 3, 2016


                         Possession (Book 1 in the Song & Shadow trilogy): Jerome wants nothing more than to make it through her senior year of high school without being noticed. But when her mother drops the world’s biggest bombshell, flying under the radar just isn’t in the cards. It turns out Constance is a necromancer—one of the few who can travel the realms of the dead. Apparently it runs in the family. And now there’s a threat coming: another necromancer with plans to disturb the living and the dead, and Constance and her mother are the only ones who can stop him. If only they knew who he was. Or what exactly he was up to. A quiet senior year isn’t an option, and Constance must race to stop a high school apocalypse before the balance between the living and the dead is overturned.

 Illusion (Book 2 in the Song & Shadow trilogy):

Constance Jerome has survived a vampire attack, a team of possessed football players, and her first trip to Limbo. Now she has to prove that Mr Ransom is the dark necromancer before he topples the rules of the living and the dead. But then she discovers there is something else haunting the halls of Milltown High School, something with a sadistic side, something that has placed Constance’s best friend at the center of its unwanted affection. To save those she cares about, Constance must forge her own path as a necromancer and embrace the shadows that have plagued her. But will it be enough?

Excerpts(from Illusion)
The faint, watery light filtered down through the gap between buildings above them, casting wavering shadows around them, and one of them reached out a long, narrow finger. The nail was long and beginning to curve, and the knuckle was knobby. Constance realized they had that strange pearly translucency about them, the same as the rest of the spirits. Why weren’t these spirits in line with the others? She almost took a step forward when one of them looked up at her.Alive,” it whispered in a soft voice that sounded like the drone of bees.
Alive?” came another whisper, this one urgent.
Yes, alive.” There was a hunger in the voice that chilled Constance, and she found her legs were leaden. As her heart began to pump frantically, one of the figures laughed.
Do you hear that, brothers? Do hear that glorious sound?”
A heart.”
Yes, a beating heart.”
It is music.”
Sweet, sweet music.”
Life leeches. Wasn’t that the name her mother had used? Spirits that refused to line up and be sorted and instead hid in the shadows and the alleys, using the last life lingering around new spirits to try to escape a fate that they all must eventually face. Her own pulsing life must seem like an all-you-can-eat buffet to them. Wasn’t it her job as a necromancer to put them where they belonged? But where did they belong? Could she sing and compel them all to follow her like some deathly Pied Piper and then bring them to stand before the Book of Days? She had to, or they would be on her in a moment. She licked her lips—they were cold and tasted of dust. She would need to sing, but her throat felt coated in dust, and there was a hollow pit starting in her heart right where she felt coldest.
One of the spirits inched toward her, his footsteps nothing more than a hush hush on the pavement. She couldn’t tell how tall he was with the way his shoulders curled in on themselves. His lank hair covered his features and his hands hung limp at his sides, but still he glided toward her, pulled to her like a moth that finds a flame irresistible, and she couldn’t look away.

 About the Author Annie Oldham

  I adore writing and reading YA novels. I grew up with an insatiable desire to read and then came the insatiable desire to write. I’ve been blessed to have both of those in my life. Away from my writing, I am the mother of the most adorable girls in the world, I have the best husband in the world, and I live in the most beautiful place in the world–along Utah’s Wasatch mountains.
I love to cook, sing, quilt, and play the piano.

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Purchase the Books:

Book 1- Possession:
Read the ebook: Amazon | Apple | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords | Scribd
Read the paperback: Amazon

Book 2 -Illusion:

Read the ebook:   Amazon | Apple | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

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