, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: BLOG TOUR AND EXCERPT OF THE BOOK A SHADOW OF TIME BY LOUANN CARROLL (GIVEAWAY), pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


When young widow Kellyn O’Brien discovers her toddler has inherited the Shadow Ley fortune and estate, she thinks all of her problems are solved.
Unseen, a mysterious guardian dwells deep beneath the house. As the run-down mansion repairs itself, Kellyn is plagued by nightmares – windows into other dimensions that are as confusing as they are frightening.
Not sure what is real or imagined, Kellyn turns to her new friends for help. When they realize that their dreams are connected, they are determined to find the truth behind the unbelievable coincidence.
But the presence at Shadow Ley has something more diabolical in mind. And the friends must unravel the secrets before the insane entity takes more lives, beginning with theirs.

You can buy A Shadow of Time exclusively from Amazon!

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Regular Kindle Edition

Paperback Edition

Louann Carroll
Louann Carroll is a Native Californian living in the Sierra Nevada foothills with her husband, Dennis. Mother to three children and grandmother to seven, she is an avid rock, fossil, and gem hunter, who enjoys sharing her finds with family and friends. She is a student of alternative religion, archaeology, anthropology, and paleontology. Louann has written numerous radio talk shows, articles on adoption, and is the author of Innocent BloodGemini RisingThe Light and the Flame, and The Journey Series, heartfelt childrens’ books about the challenges of life.
You can follow Louann at these links: 
Website  Twitter Facebook


Michael disappeared into the haze, his face graying out and blending with watery droplets. Suddenly a baby cried. A soft noise so quiet it hardly made an impression. 
She stiffened. Again, a mewling echoed in the distance. She leaned over the side of the tub to get a better view. Warm mist coalesced into a lacy fog. On the other side of the bathroom a cradle shimmered. The flowered linoleum floor supported a white wicker cradle with a pinkish veil drawn across the opening. Four wooden legs held up the cradle with white paint flecking off ancient legs.
Stunned, she pulled herself to her feet, got out of the tub, and walked toward the cradle. She touched the wood, finding it soft with mold, then drew the veil from the cradle as the material rotted away in her hands. There, lying on a bed of stained red satin, was the decaying remains of an infant, its mouth contorted in agony. Bits of skull showed in-between wizened skin, its eyes gone, forever sightless. Her stomach contracted and her breath hitched. From a depth she hadn’t known existed within her, she screamed.
Kellyn’s eyes flew open, her heart thumping in fear. One hand held Scott’s fingers in a death grip while the other curled defensively around the child in her womb. She drew in a deep breath while tears sprang from her eyes. Her heart ratcheted up a beat, and the hand that protected her belly flew to her chest.
Jesus. I can’t breathe! 

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Open internationally, with one exception. Signed book is USA only.

Must be 13+ to win.
1 -Rear-view Mirror Ornament (Skulls)
1 - $10 Amazon Gift Card
1 - Signed Paperback Copy of A Shadow of Time

a Rafflecopter giveaway


1 comment:

  1. I haven't read this book already though I know this author. Though my friend from has read this book and she advised me to read it. So, after reading your review I think I will read it as soon as I have some free time.


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