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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


If you are a pet lover then you will love these books. The author has written two fantastic books that incorporated humor, pain, despair, disbelief and loveable characters that you will enjoy. 

The Cat that God Sent-

Meet Petey, your not-so-average cat—on a mission from God
Disillusioned young pastor, Jake Wilkerson, has just arrived at his new assignment in the small rural church of Coudersport, Pennsylvania. Also new on the scene is Petey, a cat of unknown origins and breed—but of great perception.
As Jake sets about doing the business of ministry, Petey’s continued interference brings chaos to the community of curiously off and eccentric people—residents like the faith-avoiding veterinarian Sally Grainger and Tassy, a young runaway with a secret. An expert at hiding his fears, Jake wonders if all this—and the cat to boot—is more than he can handle. What is Petey’s real “mission”? Perhaps something larger than Jake—or even Petey—can possibly know.

Purchase the book- Amazon

The Dog that Talked to God-

Recently widowed Mary Fassler buys a Miniature Schnauzer, Rufus, and her world is turned sideways in the midst of her grief.  It seems that Rufus speaks. And not just to her. He also talks to God. When Rufus begins sharing advice that could result in major changes, Mary gets the feeling the pooch might not be steering her in the right direction. Or, is she just afraid to take the leap and discover something she desperately needs? Only Rufus…and God…knows.

Purchase the book- Amazon

 My Thoughts:

I really enjoyed both of the books. They were full of wonder, sadness, love and a bond between the owners and pets that was unbreakable. 

The Cat that God Sent-

I could relate to the Cat that God Sent more because I have a cat and I am always wondering what he is thinking when he looks at me. The author had a way of incorporating Petey's thoughts in the storyline that was interesting and humorous. I found myself laughing from time to time on what Petey's thoughts on dating, the congregation, life and being a cat was. Petey helped Jake overcome feelings of self-doubt, lack of faith and helped him to move on with his life.

The Dog that Talked to God-

Rufus was a remarkable dog and helped Mary to continue on with her life after the loss of her husband and son.  Rufus entered her life at the perfect time and through his conversations with her she was able to move to a new home, meet a great guy, and strengthen her faith in God. The ending was not what I expected and I found my self shedding a tear or two. 

Mr Kraus wrote two great books that touched my heart and made me think how God may be communicating with use everyday through animals. I highly recommend both of the books.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the books for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


  1. awww both of these books look so cute. My problem with animal books is that I always seem to cry :(

  2. I love both of those books! I just sent one much like that to my granddaughter. It was called "Wagging Tails In Heaven" her little dog had died and she has such a special connection with all animals, so she loves these books.

  3. I have this cat and her name is Sable ..Madonna calico and she is Gods gift to me She is 16 and he son 7 and she look identical to the one on book .Its amazing and she is beautiful all 11 lbs and most hair. I love her so and she saved my life 2 times..Amazing cat ..just a treat of a pet.. you would think she is a kitty


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