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Monday, April 1, 2013


 How many of you have been taking fish oil and complain about fish burps and breath? Then give Viva Labs Krill Oil a try. So you ask what is the difference between fish oil and Krill oil? Here are the benefits of Krill Oil:

There have been many studies on the benefits of Krill Oil and the Omega-3's and Astaxanthin found within are good for your health-
  • Protect your heart- Krill oil may reduce heart damaging inflammation and is more effective than fish oil in reducing LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL(good cholesterol.)
  • Easier PMS- Most women may complain of PMS symptoms and taking Krill Oil has been know to reduce the symptoms of PMS.
  • Less Inflammation- Joint stiffness and inflammation was reduced in many people taking the Krill oil.
  • Brain Function- Do you need help remembering things? In a study by the University of California Krill oil helped in concentration and mental function
  • Easier to swallow capliques  that reduce the fish breath and burps and is smaller in size than most fish oil capsules.
  • The Krill oil is harvested from Antartica Krill that live below the ocean. It is guaranteed to be fresh and is shipped from the manufacturer the day that you order it.
 My Thoughts:

I have difficulty swallowing large pills an the capliques are perfect in size. No more fish breath for me. I noticed a change in my joint function and I was only taking the product for a month. I usually have pain in my shoulders and that has improved and I am able to move easier. I spent some time on the internet comparing products and I found that the Everest Nutrition Krill Oil contained more Omega-3's than many of the leading brands. So would you like to try the product for yourself? Enter my contest.


Enter to win a months supply of Krill Oil: See Rafflecopter for rules- Ages 18+. Contest ends on 4/13/13 @ 11:59 PM EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclaimer: Please see our Disclosure Policy. I was given a free sample of the product for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


Thanks for stopping by. I look forward in reading all of your great comments. Have a great day!