, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF PAPER AIRPLANE: UNIQUE TALES FROM A MILE HIGH., pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Title: Paper airplane: unique tales from a mile high 
Author: Kersten L. Kelly
Publisher: Talisman Book Publishing.
Publication Date: Jan 1, 2013.
Purchase Book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble.

    About the Book:
    In this tumultuous, distinctive memoir, Kersten L. Kelly looks back on the most influential individuals that she encountered while flying through the clouds. Confined in a small vestibule for hours, Kelly identified an opportunity for learning and growth by chatting with the fellow passengers around her. After a few life changing conversations and unforgettable emergencies, she put the in-flight magazines to rest and never looked back. She recalls life lessons from perfect strangers about love, family, perseverance of dreams, and humility through a series of brief anecdotes all taking place on airplanes. Selfless philanthropy was discovered, long-term friendships bonded, and talents unveiled. The book proves the phrase “you never know what you will learn on an airplane” over and over again. Every chapter will capture the mind and sometimes the heart of anyone who jumps into this collection of humanity at its best. The personalities present in this book assimilate with the intrinsic characteristics all readers can relate to. With a raw authenticity stemming from old notes in a ragged journal, Kelly delivers a personal reflection of unique tales from a mile high.

    My Thoughts:

    I found the book quite enjoyable. It was full of interesting stories and characters that taught me a little bit about life and all of the things that can happen. The author used humor, emotions and a writing style that was very unique and different. I felt that I was sitting next to her on the plane watching all of the action. If you like memoirs and non-fiction this is the book for you.

    disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.



    1. Great review. Worth reading :)

    2. Sounds very interesting. As a frequent traveller I am always trying to block out what is going on around me, including avoiding conversations with seat mates. I'll give this a read and see if I will contibue to do this!

    3. I do look forward to reading this one... ty for your reviw

    4. Sounds like an interesting read. I like to read abut others life events. Sometimes it makes you appreciate all you have

    5. Sounds interesting, might have to read this one.

    6. Thanks for sharing. I too love reading hopefully will purchase one soon.

    7. I'd read this one. Sounds interesting:)

    8. I think I would like to read this captivating book!

    9. I fly a lot and have my own stories to I am definitely going to read this!

    10. This sounds enchanting and I would enjoy reading this book.It may be fiction but probably rings of a lot of truth about humanity and experiences in real life.

    11. This book sounds good, thanks for sharing!

    12. i don't read a lot but this book seems good, thanks for sharing!!!

    13. This sounds really good! I absolutely hate flying, and have so much respect for the people that make a living doing it. I bet she did have some interesting stories!


    Thanks for stopping by. I look forward in reading all of your great comments. Have a great day!

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