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Friday, February 15, 2013

Book Review - A New Birth of Freedom: The Translator

About the Book
Noam Chomsky argues that communication with aliens would be impossible. Stephen Hawking argues that it would be extremely unwise even to try. What if it were absolutely necessary to do so? This question arises with extreme urgency at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, in this time-travel, alternate-history trilogy, A New Birth of Freedom.

About the Author
Robert Pielke, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, now lives in Claremont, California. He earned a B.A. in History at the University of Maryland, an M. Div. in Systematic Theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, and a Ph.D. in Social Ethics from the Claremont Graduate School.

He taught on ground and online for countless years at George Mason University in Virginia, El Camino College in California and online for the University of Phoenix. Now happily retired from “the job,” he is doing what he always wanted to do since he wrote his first novel at ten in elementary school. It was one paragraph, three pages long and, although he didn’t know it at the time, it was alternate history.

His academic writings have been in the area of ethics, including a boring academic treatise called Critiquing Moral Arguments, logic, and popular culture. Included in the latter is an analysis of rock music entitled You Say You Want a Revolution: Rock Music in American Culture. He has also published short stories, feature articles, film and restaurant reviews. His novels include a savagely satirical novel on America and its foibles, proclivities and propensities, Hitler the Cat Goes West, and an alternate history, science fiction novel, The Mission.

Most recently, he has updated and revised his book on rock music, which is being republished by McFarland and Co.

He swims daily, skis occasionally, cooks as an avocation, watches innumerable movies, collects rock and roll concert films, is an avid devotee of Maryland crabs and maintains a rarely visited blog filled with his social and political ravings. His favorite film is the original Hairspray; his favorite song is “A Day in the Life”; his favorite pizza is from the original Ledo Restaurant in College Park, MD; and he is a firm believer in the efficacy of “sex, drugs and rock and roll.” Somehow his family and friends put up with him.

Robert G. Pielke's Web Site:

Robert G. Pielke's Facebook:!/robert.pielke

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Robert G. Pielke's Goodreads:

A New Birth of Freedom: The Translator Goodreads:

Tribute Books Blog Tours Facebook:

A New Birth of Freedom: The Translator (Book 2) blog tour site:

A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor (Book 1) blog tour site:

Amazon paperback buy link ($16.95)

Whiskey Creek Press paperback buy link ($16.95):
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My Thoughts:

I have always been a fan of historical and Sci-Fi novels and the author was able to incorporate time travel in the storyline. I did find the book difficult to read because I did not have the opportunity to read the first book in the series. I was a bit confused on who all of the characters were and how they fit into the storyline. There was no description of the pests until the middle of the book but I guessed that they were insect like creatures from the future. I recommend that you read the first book in the series since the Translator is not a stand alone novel. The novel was well researched and included the major players in the Civil War period with the added twist of time travel. If you are a history/Sci-FI fan then this is the book for you.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


  1. this book was really awesome your review was really good ill list this one out on my wishlist

  2. Thanks Eileen, and you are soooooo right -- it's not a stand-alone book. I've always regarded trilogies as being like 3-act plays, so to start with the second book is like entering the theater at the second act. ;-) [Let me know if you'd like a copy of book number one!

    Bob Pielke

  3. Eileen, thanks for the review. And guess what? We are offering the chance to read both Book 1 and Book 2 through the blog tour. So if you'd like to read the first installment of this trilogy, please let me or Bob know :)

  4. More books please and thank you. :-) have a great day everyone. :-)

  5. I've always liked history and sci-fi as well and this book sounds like the best of both. Definitely putting it on my list. Great review!

  6. Thanks for the review! This looks like something my fiance would like!

  7. This looks like something a friend of mine would like. I'm going to tell her about it

  8. That sounds interesting. Thanks for the review!

  9. I think I will look into reading the series. Thanks for the review!

  10. This sounds just like the book for me! Thanks for the review and recommendation!

  11. This book sounds good, thanks for sharing!


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