, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW AND GIVEAWAY OF THE RX TIMER CAP(USA), pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Monday, December 3, 2012


 Did you ever forget to take your medication? I know that I have forgotten a couple of times. Remembering to take medications is one of the main reasons for noncompliance. The RX Timer Cap has a built in LCD timer that resets itself after the cap is opened and when the cap is closed,it resets to zero and then starts counting up in minutes and hours since you last took your medication. This is a fantastic invention and comes in different sizes and styles to fit all types of vials.

I gave a cap to my mother in law and she found it very easy to use, convenient and she was more compliant in taking her medications. The cap was easy to open and she had no difficulty reading the numbers on the cap.  The LCD display counts up to 100 hours before going to "sleep" to conserve energy and last up to 2 years.This is the perfect gift for everyone in your family who takes medication.


  • The World Health Organization found that less than 50% of patients take their medications as directed.
  • Failure to take meds as directed costs 125,000 lives each year and close to $300 billion in increased healthcare costs.
  • Studies proved that using the RX Timer Cap lifted adherence by as much as 34%.
 The caps can be purchased from the Rx Timer Cap website. An individual cap can be purchased for $9.95, a 2-pack for $14.95, a 4-pack for $19.95, a 10-pack for $39.95, and a 20-pack for $69.95. You can buy them at different retail locations as well.

So would you like a cap of your own? enter my contest.

Thanks to the company I am able to giveaway a Rx Timer Cap to one of my lucky readers.
See Rafflecopter for rules Contest ends on 12/20/12 @ 11:59pm EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This timer is cool. It would help me to remember if I already took it or not for that day too. hahaha

  2. What a good idea - if only it would automatically pop open, lol.Occasionally I have to go to my neighbor's house to get him to open things - so embarrassing, lol.

  3. i could not get the link to work to vote, sry

  4. What a great idea. Wonderful for the ederly! My mom's client often forgets to take her pills and she even has a pill that automatically dispenses them! Maybe if she had something small and that she could easily hear maybe she'll never forget!

  5. I love this! I didn't know they existed! I take several meds every day and they have to be taken at all different times so those little morning/noon/evening boxes won't work for me! I MUST find some of these!! Thank you so very much!!

  6. This is such an awesome idea! Would love to try one of these! Thanks for the chance!

  7. this is such an awesome idea:) i sometimes forget to take my heart meds, which is bad:( and this would remind me everyday to take them....:)

  8. I NEED this. I take 5 prescriptions and I get them messed up. This is a solution to a problem.


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