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Thursday, May 10, 2012


I want to welcome A.J. Scudiere ands Utukku to Books R Us. They are traveling the country with their paranormal romance God's Eye. Thanks for stopping by.

Media Type: Ebook, Paperback and AudioMovie
Title: God's Eye
Author: A.J. Scudiere
Publisher: Griffyn Ink Publishing
Pages: Paperback; 419
Release Date: October 1, 2011
Intended Reading Group: Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
 About the Book:

Katharine Geryon is living the life her family name has dictated, and why not? After all, it has given her a good job in the family company and a fine life with all the things she should want. But all that changes as increasingly disturbing events begin to occur: soot stains on the carpet, glimpses of strange black animals, and cryptic messages written on her bathroom mirror. Baffled and afraid, Katharine begins to doubt her own sanity.

At the same time, two charismatic men enter her life: Allistair, her new assistant at work, and Zachary, a well-heeled neighbor who just moved into her building. Katharine soon finds each of them inextricably entangled in her affairs. As her life becomes stranger and her dreams more terrifying, she realizes neither man is what he seems and that she's caught in something far beyond her own comprehension. For the first time, she must reach beyond her own boundaries. There Katharine forges her first true friendship with Margot, a librarian who helps her discover what these men really are, why she's drawn to them, and what they want with her.

The answer places Katharine in the middle of a fierce battle that forces her to decide between the two men fighting for her soul.
In the end, only one can be saved, but all three will be judged.

God's Eye AudioMovie
 By A.J. Scudiere

I wish I could film myself while I listen to the God’s Eye AudioMovie.

You would probably laugh hysterically at me. I’m sure I make faces and even jump back a bit at the scary parts – which then makes me laugh hysterically at me. I have no good excuse to jump at the scary bits; I wrote them.

I find listening to a book to be a different experience than reading one. Though I have always been a reader, I’m definitely a listener now too. With the AudioMovie format, Stefan Rudnicki has lifted the audiobook to another level.

As an author, though I can write the story the way I want, I can never put in enough detail to make you hear the words exactly the way I hear it. Every time you read it you’ll hear and see things the way your brain performs the story and different things will have meaning because those things have meaning to you. When you watch a movie, you see what the director thinks the main character looks like and hear the words the way the actress believes the character would say them. But you still pay attention to the parts that have meaning to you.

An AudioMovie is a happy medium between the experiences of film and reading. Rudnicki does a fantastic job of using often subtle sounds to bring the experience more fully to life than what you would experience with a single reader. Hearing the conversations take place between two actors is a much richer experience than hearing even a phenomenal single actor perform the scene. Just like in real life, the two readers come at the story from two different perspectives, they use inflection differently and bring different interpretations to the characters.

Without the visuals, the story remains true to the version in your head. But that extra layer – the thing that makes even ME get involved or be surprised – is the use of the soundtrack and sound effects. Though I can picture the street a certain character lives on, hearing the chirp of birds and the soft rustle of the trees not only makes the setting come alive, but makes Katharine’s discovery there all the more startling.

So, if you could watch me listen to my own book, you would probably laugh at me. You would be amused as you watch my shoulders hunch up. Even though I know exactly what’s coming next, you’ll see my eyes close tight as I finally realize that low, rhythmic sound is the demon . . . sitting . . . right . . . behind me.

Connect With The author:

My Thoughts:

 I had the pleasure of receiving the book in the AudioMovie version and I was extremely impressed. I downloaded the entire novel on my Itouch and headed for the gym. The actors portraying the characters were fantastic and I could hear their emotions in their voices. Before I knew it, I had walked five miles. Sound effects were added that made me feel that I was part of the storyline. People talking in the background, footsteps,broken glass (that part made me jump) and many other interesting sounds. The beginning of the book was a little slow but toward the middle of the book the plot took off and I was hooked.  Katherine's soul is in jeopardy and she has to make a choice between good and Evil. When strange creatures show up in her apartment and strange passages are written on her mirror she questions her sanity. She heads to the library to find some answers and meets the Librarian Margo. The two of them try to find the answers to the strange occurrences. Katherine has two men in her life Allistair and Zachary who play havoc with her emotions. There are parts that were erotic and only for the adult reader. What choice does Katherine make? I guess you have to read the book to find out. I highly recommend the AudioMovie version of the book. So if you like thrillers, romance and the paranormal this is the book for you.


Win the AudioMovie version(USB) of God's Eye.

Contest ends on 5/23/12 @11:59pm EST and is open to USA/CAN residents 18 years or older. See Rafflecopter for rules.


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