, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: BLOG TOUR AND REVIEW OF THE CONCRETE PEARL BY V. ZANDRI., pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, September 23, 2011


Join Vincent Zandri, author of the novel, Concrete Pearl (Stone House Ink), as he virtually tours the blogosphere with Pump Up Your Book!

About the Book-

Ava “Spike” Harrison might be a beautiful, classically schooled woman, but the single, 38 year old construction business owner is also plenty ballsy. Her late father taught her long ago how to handle the rough boys in an industry that’s almost entirely filled with hard-boiled men on the make. But now, with “the business dad built” from the ground up failing due to an unusual series of job-site injuries and just plain bad luck, Spike has no choice but to take on one last project she believes can pull the fledgling firm from the depths of almost certain bankruptcy and family shame: The Renovation of Albany PS 20.

Problem is, Spike had no choice but to take the job on the cheap. To make matters worse, she’s not only hired an asbestos removal contractor who, unbeknownst to her, low-balled his price, but she’s advanced him $10Gs from her own dwindling cash account as a “good faith” incentive to beat the project deadline.

Now, when that same asbestos contractor suddenly goes missing and it’s discovered by OSHA officials that he’s cheated on the project exposing more than 300 students to deadly asbestos fibers for months, Spike decides to take matters into her own callused hands and go in search of him. What she discovers along the way however, is a path paved with deception, greed, murder, and eventually, her own ultimate demise.

Armed with a framing hammer as her equalizer instead of a gun, Spike Harrison is one hot, but tough as nails amateur woman sleuth. Cross her, and you just might find yourself buried up to your neck in regret.

My Thoughts-

This is the forth book that I have read by the author. He has a way with words that kept me engaged throughout the entire novel. In the beginning of the book, a murder was described from the victims point of view and it was brilliantly written. The main character "Spike" was tough,stubborn and had to fit in with the "Boys" in the construction business. There were twists and turns throughout the book that kept me guessing and when I though I had it all figured out something else developed. I finished the novel rather quickly and I did not want it to end. I am definitely a Zandri fan and I cannot wait to read Moonlight Rises available now. So pick up a copy of the book. You will not be disappointed. 

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


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