, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF BLUE SKIES TOMORROW BY SARAH SUNDIN, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Monday, August 22, 2011


In a time of peril, can they find the courage to confront their fears and embrace a love that lasts?
When her husband becomes a casualty of the war in the Pacific, Helen Carlisle throws herself into volunteering for the war effort to conceal her feelings. But keeping up appearances as the grieving widow of a hometown hero is taking its toll. Soon something is going to give.

Lt. Raymond Novak prefers the pulpit to the cockpit. His stateside job training B-17 pilots allows him the luxury of a personal life--and a convenient excuse to ignore his deepest fear. When the beautiful Helen catches his eye and captures his heart, he is determined to win her hand.

But when Ray and Helen are called upon to step out in faith and put their reputations and their lives on the line, can they meet the challenges that face them? And can their young love survive until blue skies return?

Filled with drama, daring, and all the romance of the WWII era, Blue Skies Tomorrow is the captivating final book in the popular Wings of Glory series.

 About the Author-

Sarah Sundin followed an unusual career path for a novelist, receiving a bachelor's in chemistry from UCLA and a doctorate in pharmacy from UC San Francisco. She now lives in northern California with her husband, three children, an antisocial cat, and a yellow lab determined to eat her manuscripts. When not driving kids to soccer and karate, she works on-call as a hospital pharmacist and teaches women's Bible studies and fourth- and fifth-grade Sunday school. She has been writing since 2000 and belongs to American Christian Fiction Writers, Christian Authors Network, and Diablo Valley Christian Writers Group.

Read an Excerpt

My Thoughts-

I have had the pleasure to have read the first two book in the series "A Distant Melody and A Memory Between Us." The series follows the lives of the three Novak brothers who were pilots in the Air Force during WWII. Although the book is a stand alone novel, I recommend reading the other two books in the series to understand some of the history involved. Blue Skies Tomorrow is a fascinating story that made me feel that I stepped back in time and entered the WWII era. There was deceit, spousal abuse, romance, love and danger that was incorporated in the storyline perfectly. There were even updates on some of the main characters from the first two novels.The two main characters Ray and Helen had a relationship that was romantic as well as turbulent. Helen was in an abusive marriage and after the death of her husband she had to keep it quiet to protect the family name. Can Helen find love? I guess you have to read the story to find out. I did not want the series to end because I had learned so much more about the WWII era. I recommend the book to any one who likes historical romance. You may even learn something new about WWII.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from Revell Publishers for my honest review. I was not compensated for the review.
Available August 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group."

1 comment:

  1. Eileen - thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Ray & Helen's story!


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