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Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Congratulations to the winner of the $500 CAD Cash via PayPal, Kodak digital camera AND the Kobo eReader Touch Edition with case (in black) hosted by This Lil Piglet and Family Approve.  The winner is...
Angie Beechan, one of our US readers!  
Angie's winning entry was her "Like" to Mommy Momments on Facebook.  Thanks to Karen of Mommy Momments for checking and qualifying this winning entry:
There were 347 duplicates out of the entire entries which were verified and deleted by myself, an amazing 63,383 entries remained as you can see here:
**Thanks to all the participants of the first edition of the Social Picnic for supporting this very successful event.  If you would like to participate in the next Social Picnic event, please read the details and/or fill out the form on this page.**


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Thanks for stopping by. I look forward in reading all of your great comments. Have a great day!