, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: BLOG TOUR OF BRANDED BY TIM SINCLAIR (GIVEAWAY), pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Welcome to the Blog tour of Branded: Sharing Jesus with a Consumer Culture by Tim Sinclair. A witty book on how people are "Branding " Jesus. Thanks for stopping by.

The church spends $1.5 million for every one new follower of Jesus. Apple sells 26 iPads every minute. What is it that makes Apple so exciting and Jesus so boring? What is it that compels someone to bring their iPod everywhere and their Bible nowhere? In a word: marketing. Jesus is a life-changing product with lousy salespeople-people who are intimidated and embarrassed by the word "evangelism" and who show more enthusiasm for their gadgets than their God.What would life look like if we could market our faith like Nike and Apple market their products--sharing relationally, from person to person? Using examples from these and other successful companies, author Tim Sinclair challenges Christians to throw out their casual attitudes toward faith and sign on for a marketing campaign for the Savior. Written with the wit and wisdom of an experienced marketer, Branded peels away the feelings of fear and shows readers how to share their faith in ways that are honest, authentic, and, most importantly, effective.

 My Thoughts-

When I first saw the cover of Branded, I became a little curious on what Tim was to say about advertising and the Christian Faith. Tim has a background in marketing and took a different twist on "evangelism." The book was written like a blog and was easy to read. Many Non fiction books tend to bore me but this book was much different because it was informative, interesting and right to the point. We all like our gadgets and some of us have hidden behind them. Tim encourages us all to break out of our shell and go out and speak to the non-believers in a way that they are able to relate to and bring back the true meaning of Jesus and faith. So go out and get a copy of the book. Maybe you will learn something new.

Please follow the other stops of the tour.

Kregel Publications is sponsoring a $50 giveaway 

About the Giveaway!

To enter all you have to do is send a tweet (using #litfuse) about Branded or share about it on Facebook!

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Not sure what to tweet/post? Here's an idea.

TWEET THIS:  Branded by @timJsinclair - Jesus is a life-changing product with lousy sales-people! @litfuse

FACEBOOK THIS: Branded by Tim Sinclair is a compelling look at what Christians can learn from companies like Apple & Starbucks about sharing their faith! Jesus is a life-changing product with lousy sales-people!


Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book by Litfuse Publicity and I was not compensated for my review.


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