, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF HOME EC-101 BY HEATHER SOLOS, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


 I am no suzy homemaker and I find cleaning my house boring and tedious. When I got the opportunity to review Home Ec-101: Skills for Everyday Living by Heather Solos, I jumped at the opportunity. The book is full of useful tidbits that can make your life easier. The author describe situations that we may have had to tackle at least once in our lives but in a humorous way. 

Home-Ec 101: Skills for Everyday Living - Cook it, Clean it, Fix it, Wash it 
Whether it's cleaning grout, stocking a pantry, reducing a recipe, dealing with chocolate in the carpet or retrieving jewelry dropped down the drain, Home-Ec 101 will help readers feel confident in managing the domestic challenges of everyday life. The information will be easy to use and written with the same witty style and attitude readers love on the blog Charts, tips, sidebars and "Dear Home Ec 101" letters cover all the details readers need to know to keep their homes clean and in good repair.

My Thoughts-

This is not your average how to do it book but a handbook full of useful information presented in an easy to read format. I found the information included in the appendix extremely useful and informative. The overall layout reminded me of of some of the homemakers books  from the 1950's but in an up to date and humorous way. This book is perfect for the new college graduate and the newly married couple and contains information that everyone can use. I do not see this book being read by men but they would benefit from the information. I know my husband would and maybe he would help out more around the house. I have visited Heather's site and I have found it informative and interesting.

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of the book from the One2One Network for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


  1. I could Really use this! Having 9 people in the house that I seem to always have to pick up after, I often just sit there and wonder......where do I start!?

  2. I have this book on my wishlist. It sounds great!

  3. Hope your weekend is going great :) Have any plans for Easter next weekend?


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