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Thursday, April 21, 2011


I would like to welcome T.L. James to Books R Us. She is virtually touring the blogosphere with NURTURE Virtual BOOK Tourz™

The MPire: In Search of the Lost (The MPire Trilogy)The trilogy of The MPire starts with, In Search of the Lost which is the story about Mallory Towneson Haulm, a sexy financial powerhouse, who lives in a quasi paradise in Austin, Texas. His opulent world is decorated with expensive toys and women more exquisite than an exotic candy shop.

After fourteen years of separation from his family, Mallory is summoned to return back home to join The Family Business. Poised for success, Mallory is focused on turning around the ailing business, not realizing that taking his assigned reigns will put him in a position of unrelenting power which he is unaware he even has. His world crashes as he reunites with his brothers and becomes Death, the forth horseman of the Apocalypse.

With every complication popping up in his life, the biggest one by far is in the form of an old love from the past coming back to reclaim the spot in Mallory’s heart.

About the Author-

TL James graduated with an MBA from LeTourneau University. At LETU, James cultivated an interest in biblical studies and research. Little did James know, but her love for research would become an integral thread in her writing style.

After many sleepless nights, James began writing her first speculative fictional book, with her newly born son tucked comfortably at her side.  She developed the family drama storyline that showcases her love of research, biblical studies and literary classics (i.e., Chaucer, Shakespeare and Mythology). The MPire Trilogy was born.

In 2008, TL James revived PHE Ink, a Writing Solutions Firm, after discovering a number of gaps in the publishing industry.  James works with aspiring writers, one-on-one, to develop their literary voice. PHE Ink, also, assists entrepreneurs with transforming their business dreams into defined objectives and business plans. 

My thoughts-

I have never read a book like this one before. All of the characters in the Haulm family were unique and each had a hidden agenda that is revealed throughout the book. I have not read the precursor of the book, The Chronicles of the Haulm Boys and I wish I had. I had some difficulty figuring out who the brothers unique qualities were until the middle of the book. Then it all fell into place and the book came alive. The relationship between Mallory and Matthew was sweet as well as troubled. Mallory was a sexy, wealthy and intriguing individual who has to make a choice between life and death. He has to live up to his destiny of being the Forth Horseman (Death) and continue the family legacy. Throughout the book, there were supernatural beings and images surrounding Michael that kept me thinking. Who were these spirits and why are they after Michael? I guess you have to read the book to find out the answers. The author's descriptions of the supernatural was fantastic and the ending was unpredictable. I did not want the book to end and I wanted more. I look forward to reading the all of the books in the series.  I have to warn you that this book is only suitable for the adult reader due to the erotic and sometimes violent scenes in the novel.

Contest- International

Thanks to the author, I am able to give away ONE copy of the book.
EBook copy only- Worldwide
Print- USA only (You may Choose the Ebook version if you prefer)


Leave your name, email and where you live.

Extra Entries-
  1.  Follow me via GFC +2
  2. Follow Books R Us on Twitter.
  3. Like Books R Us on Facebook.
  4. Follow MPire on Twitter.

Contest ends May 1st at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be picked by The winner will be sent an email and has 48hrs to respond or another winner will be announced.


Disclaimer: I was not compensated for my review.


  1. OMG! Thank you so much for the wonderful review!!


  2. This sounds like an awesome and original read. I am a GFC follower from the US.

  3. This book sounds like a truly unique twist and I would really enjoy the opportunity to win and ebook copy. I am a GFC follower in the US and really enjoy receiving your daily emails and hearing what you have to say. Thanks for your efforts.

  4. I'm in the US.

  5. +1 Connie (mamabunny13) I live in USA
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

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  6. Velvet Hubler
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  7. Maria Hayes

    maria (at) printingray (dot) com

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  8. I want to read that!

    Hikari Kurone
    I live in Hong Kong SAR

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  9. Please enter me in this giveaway I live in USA
    (+2)GFC follower-Lora1967
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Thanks for stopping by. I look forward in reading all of your great comments. Have a great day!