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Tuesday, March 1, 2011



In Merger the CEO of TriNet Communications, Vikram Suriis is a new breed of corporate criminal---smarter and infinitely more dangerous. Behind the façade of oak-paneled boardrooms, fancy personal jets, and lavish mansions, Vik is masterminding a grand scheme of market manipulation, smuggling, money laundering, and extortion through an international network of banks, brokerage houses and dummy corporations. He is a megalomaniac who will stop at nothing to grow his corporate empire, even murder. 
As the clock winds down to Suri’s deadly triumph, no one suspects his hidden agenda – except Tom Carter, an investment banker working on the deal.  Torn between his job and his conscience, and locked in the crosshairs of the SEC, Tom enlists the help of Amanda Fleming, a beautiful and intrepid New York Times reporter eager to "break" a big story.  Together, they must not only outsmart the brilliant Vik, but desperately try to stay alive!

Forge Books- ISBN- 0-765-31112-7

My Thoughts-

Set during the 1980's, Merger is a thriller involving the corporate world.  The plot was fantastic and terrifying. There was crime, greed, corruption,murder,deceit all rolled up into a great story. The author was able to take us on a journey through Wall Street and all of the happenings that occur there. I finished the book rather quickly and I was able to follow the storyline with ease. So if you like a good thriller, give Merger a try and after you finish it go out and pick up a copy of the author's second novel , Portrait of Malice when it is released.

Author's Website.

Disclaimer- I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


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