, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: Support Your Indie Author and you may win a Kindle: 30 Pieces of Silver by C. Mc.Cray (Review), pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Monday, February 28, 2011

Support Your Indie Author and you may win a Kindle: 30 Pieces of Silver by C. Mc.Cray (Review)

Monday, Monday, Monday. I love Monday
 By C. Mc Cray

No, I’m not a total psycho.
Well, maybe just a little bit of one.

Here’s why: this Monday is a major day in publishing not only for ME but potentially for all indie authors who want to show the NYC traditional big boys what an indie author can do! 

30 Pieces of SilverThe Indie Book Collective promotion Bestseller For A Day is pricing my thriller 30 Pieces of Silver at just 99 cents to propel it onto the Amazon Top 100 Kindle* List! And with your help I can do it!!
Every 99 cent purchase will drive my book higher up the list but seriously…how realistic is this? Well, I’ve already dipped into the 400’s overall ranking so with YOUR help it’s entirely possible you can help me reach this goal. Remember, you don’t even have to have a Kindle to purchase my book – you just need a smartphone of some type OR a computer! *See this Amazon free Kindle app page for details.

But to give you an added incentive to help me out, I’ve decided to up the ante and the fun! Just for purchasing my book 30 Pieces of Silver, you can enter to win a free Kindle – oh yea. That’s right! Simply purchase my book for 99 cents on Amazon and then head back over to the Bestseller For A day site and enter your email address and the first 5 numbers of your Amazon purchase confirmation code – and viola! You will have 5 entries to win a FREE Kindle!

I think you need more, though. How about a BONUS BUY? Yep, the IBC is offering up Cristyn West’s mystery-thriller Plain Jane for a full rebate if purchased at the same time as 30 Pieces of Silver! PLUS –wait for it --5 additional entries to win the FREE Kindle. Yup. I’m that cool. 

Listen, I love what I do—writing, connecting with wonderful sponsors like Melissa here at and with you, my fab readers! Please show your support for ALL indie authors making their way up the ladder by purchasing this 99 cent book and help pave the way for future promotions! Tell your friends, husband, mom, dog—heck, just tell everyone you know. 

And stay tuned for our next promo – The Blog Tour de Force CAGE MATCH April 18-25 where the IBC promotes 12 eBook authors, 12 books, over 6 days – with lots of great prizes and fun for YOU!
Let’s see my book hit the Top 100! (and maybe win a free Kindle) #ohyea

You can find Carolyn McCray on Twitter at @craftycmc, @IndieBookIBC, or @writingnodrama where she teaches writers writing stuff. You can also check out her website for all of her books and multiple personalities.

30 Pieces of SilverOverview of 30 Pieces of Silver.

A Christian suicide bomber.
John the Baptist's bones inscribed in ancient Greek.
A secret carried from the foot of the crucifixion.
Can science solve the world's greatest mystery?
30 Pieces of Silver?

My Thoughts-

Let me tell you that the novel is fantastic thriller full of adventure, conspiracy, romance, history and excitement. I was hooked from page one and was brought on an adventure from the Eiffel tower to the rainforest's of Equador and many exciting places in between.  The way that the author brought us from the past to the present was remarkable and was not confusing. I felt that I was right there partaking in the story line. The main characters were all searching for the same thing the remains of Jesus and they were all realistic and likable. There was a romance developing between the main characters, Brandt and Monroe that I saw coming but there were parts that had me thinking "Will it last." I did not want the book to finish and I wanted more. I look forward to reading the sequel when it is published. So what are the 30 Pieces of Silver? I guess you will have to read the book to find out. I will never tell. So hop on over to the Bestseller For A Day website today and purchase your copy. Hey you never know you may win a KINDLE!

Disclaimer: I was provided a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


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