, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF ELIJAH'S COIN BY S. O'BRIEN, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Thursday, February 3, 2011



Did you ever read a book that stays with you after you finish it? Well Elijah's Coin is one of those books. It is only 128 pages long but full of emotion, redemption and forgiveness.

Elijah's Coin: A Lesson for LifeElijah's Coin  is the story of Tom, a young man who has suffered a tragic loss and is spiraling out of control.  He's angry, anti-social, and rapidly descending into a life of crime. Then, during a night of folly, as he brazenly commits burglary, Tom encounters the night watchman Elijah King, a mysterious figure with a shrouded past. Elijah, unexpectedly, doesn't turn Tom in but instead becomes a stern and rather cryptic mentor to him.  Rather than laying his lessons out in a straightforward manner, Elijah gives Tom an enigmatic coin and sends him on a mission of self-discovery.

My Thoughts-

This is a beautifully written novel full of many lessons about life. It is a quick moving, uplifting and inspirational novel that makes you think about you life and where you are going. When I opened the book, there were two coins in the back of the book and I wondered "What would I use these for?" One coin is for the reader to remember the lessons that was learned while reading the book and the other is to be given away to a friend to pay it forward. This is a perfect book for high school students because teenagers have a lot to learn about life and their future. I look forward to reading the author's next book Bullet Work

About the Author-

Steve O'Brien is a lawyer specializing in international corporate law and litigation. O'Brien has extensive experience in overseas business, including joint ventures, acquisitions, and start-ups in twenty-nine countries. He has in-depth expertise in risk management, corporate ethics, governance, and intellectual property. As a litigator he has chaired more than twenty state and federal jury trials and argued seven appellate cases before state supreme courts and US circuit courts of appeal. O'Brien lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife Becky; they have two children.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the Cadence Group and I was not compensated for my review.


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