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Friday, February 25, 2011


Join Vincent Zandri, author of the novel, The Innocent (Stone House Ink), as he virtually tours the blogosphere with Pump Up Your Book!

About the Book-

Getting caught is simply not an option.

The InnocentIt's been a year since Jack Marconi's wife was killed. Ever since, he's been slipping up at his job as warden at an upstate New York prison. It makes him the perfect patsy when a cop-killer breaks out--with the help of someone on the inside. Throwing himself into the hunt for the fleeing con, Jack doesn't see what's coming.

Suddenly the walls are closing in. And in the next twenty-four hours, Jack will defy direct orders, tamper with evidence, kidnap the con's girlfriend--and run from the law with a .45 hidden beneath his sports coat. Because Jack Marconi, keeper of laws, men, secrets, and memories, has been set up--by a conspiracy that has turned everyone he ever trusted into an enemy. And everything he ever believed in into the worst kind of lie.

My Thoughts-

This is the third book of Mr. Zandri that I have read and they are all fantastic. He has a way with words and he will grab you from the first page. He has a talent for incorporating the past and the present in his novels that is not confusing. All of the characters were developed fully and I felt that I was right there in the prison with the inmates. Jack had a troubled past and he has to prove that he was one of the good guys. There was corruption, suspense, romance and action that kept me engaged throughout the whole book. I finished the book very quickly and I was looking for more. I look forward to reading the next book in the series Godchild.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing Melissa....:)
    Looking forward to your take on GODCHILD, the sequel...


Thanks for stopping by. I look forward in reading all of your great comments. Have a great day!