, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF HUMAN BLEND BY L. PESCATORE, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Monday, January 3, 2011



Human BlendIn Human Blend, Laney is not like other girls... she has special abilities that sets her apart from others. She escaped from a difficult life and she wants to keep hidden. She was held captive because of these special abilities. She is haunted by memories and flashbacks of the suffering that she had to endure. She decides to change her appearance and her name to Julie. She decides hideout in a small town.
Ignoring her own warnings, she begins a relationship with a local boy. The relationship turns dangerous when the boy begins developing similar abilities. This development does not fall under the radar of the men who are trying to recapture her. A young doctor's interest is piqued when he witnesses her mysteriously curing a young child's illness. He befriends her due to his growing fascination with uncovering the true nature of her abilities, but not without harboring secrets of his own. Laney's new life falls apart when she meets a young intern that seems to have all the answers to her questions. The information sends her into a tail spin. Thoughts of going on the run once again are thwarted as those whom she was running from find her.

About the Author-

Lori Pescatore is currently teaching preschool in Bucks County, PA. She is a married mom of two boys and has been actively writing her whole life. Human Blend is her first in a trilogy of books in this series. Multiple Sclerosis became part of her life seven years ago, a battle she continues today. Visit her Facebook page.

My Thoughts-

This is a fantastic paranormal story. I was drawn into the storyline from page one. All of the characters were exciting and well developed. When I found out Julie's special ability, I wanted to find out more. The book was fast paced, with twists and turns throughout the book. All of the male characters were intriguing and each of them had their own special ability that was discovered throughout the book. The information about the Human Blends were very interesting and each one had different abilities. I have never read any book like this one and I cannot wait to read the next book in the series.

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


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