, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF BENEATH THE SILVER LINING TRILOGY:SECRETS OF THE BLACK BOX BY A. WOLFE, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



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Join Amanda Wolfe, author of the auto-biographical novel, Beneath the Silver Lining Trilogy (Xlibris Corporation), as she virtually tours the blogosphere on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

Beneath the Silver Lining Trilogy: Secrets of the Black BoxAbout the Book-

n the outside, her family appeared to be one big, happy family. Their house, with her parents, three sisters, and two brothers, was the epitome of a simple yet fulfilling life lived in a small town. But as the author would soon discover, her childhood was in fact a nightmarish phase of her life she would always be running from. Growing up as a carefree girl, Wolfe struggled to comprehend why she was reared in a family where children are deprived of their right to know the truth, adults are always right, and smoothing out a misunderstanding is never an option. At the young age of nine, she started experiencing cruelty at the hands of her father, who not only abused her emotionally, but physically and sexually as well. Her mother, whose love she sought, was a stern woman who refused to see her husband’s mistakes. As if her deeply troubled relationship with her parents was not enough, Wolfe also had to deal with inner secrets involving creepy characters from the afterlife. Feeling tormented, confused, solitary, and even filthy, this naïve girl had yet to be transformed into a strong-willed woman who would become cynical about love and learn to depend on no one but herself while facing more of life’s bitterness.
The first of a series of three, Beneath the Silver Lining Trilogy: Secrets of the Black Box chronicles the author’s journey along a perplexing road of growing up. It was originally written as a therapeutic way to heal her inner wounds and to let go of the pain and anger. However, it is now shared to bring inspiration to readers -especially women.

Author's Website

My Thoughts-

 I found the book difficult to read due to some grammatical errors and the chapters were very long but I continued to read on. The author had to live with a very dysfunctional family and I kept saying to myself  "Why did her mother let this happen to her child?" I always get upset when there is any abuse especially to a child. There were times that I had to stop reading because it made me sad as well as angry. She had to live with pain, suffering, sexual, physical and emotional abuse that spanned for many years. I give the author credit for being able to relive the horror while writing the autobiography. The book was full of graphic scenes and should only be read by an adult. I hope that the next books in the trilogy her parents are brought to justice for all the suffering that they put Amanda through.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the author and I was not compensated for my review.



  1. I would never have guessed the story from the cover; what courage it must take to get through a childhood like that. Thanks for the review.

  2. First-time visitor...

    ....stopping by from Cym Lowell's Book Review Party.



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