, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF CALLING ALL ANGELS BY ALEX SMITH., pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


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Em never believed in angels. That was until she met Zak and Kai….

 Em - shy, sensitive, with her head in the clouds - and Caitlyn - gorgeous, popular and talented - have been best friends forever, in a sleepy, nondescript town called Philiton.

But when new boy Zak moves into town, Philiton suddenly becomes a much more interesting place.  With his meltingly hot looks, sense of humour and a smile that has even the hardest-hearted girls falling at his feet, Zak has the female population of Philiton Comprehensive School convinced he's an angel.

Caitlyn usually has the boys worshipping
at her feet, so it’s a shock when Zak seems to be more interested in Em. Cracks appear, tensions arise, but surely Em and Caitlyn’s lifelong friendship can survive?

Em feels beset by demons. At home, she’s looking after her grandmother, who is slowly deteriorating, whilst despairing at her normally sensible brother, who is going off the rails just to fit in with the ‘right crowd’.  Even
Zak’s unexpected attention causes jealous girls to shower Em with spite – not least Caitlyn.  If only she had a guardian angel…

Then a second boy steps into Em’s life. Dark and brooding, a captive to the secrets of a past he’d rather forget, Kai, who has appeared as if from nowhere and fallen head over heels in love with Em, is the exact opposite of Zak. 

And although he may not seem like it, Kai is the real thing. He really is an angel.

About the Author-

Alex Smith is 17 and lives in Hertfordshire, England.  She started writing when she was just four and says, ‘To me, writing is like breathing’.  She wrote her debut novel, Calling For Angels, at the age of 14, ‘as a way of relaxing’. 

My Thoughts-
This is a wonderful debut novel. I really enjoyed the relationship that Em had with Kai. The story is basically from Em's point of view but there are parts when Kai is telling the story. Kai is a very interesting character sent to help her with her problems and I wish I had learned more about him.  The beginning was a little slow moving but it picked up quickly. The story was sad, funny, romantic, emotional and has a wonderful ending. I recommend this book for teens and the young at heart. Great Job, Alex.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from The Red Telephone Publishers for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


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