, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF IT WRITES ITSELF BY S. RAULINO, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


 It Writes Itself: A Travel Guide to Writing Fiction by S. Raulino, is a wonderful writers guide that can assist the beginner to the most seasoned writer make their writing better. The book covers key points important in writing fiction and takes you on a journey of discovery. 
The topics covered are:
    It Writes Itself: A Travel Guide to Writing Fiction
  1. Why do you write and for whom.
  2. Getting to know your characters.
  3. Using your senses, point of view, language and voice. (Essential for the development of the story)
  4. Architecture (The things around you including textures, shapes,speed and other things) and Nature (What do you see outside and can it make a better story)
  5. History and Culture. ( Makes the story believable)
  6. Situations, actions and plots.
  7. Now how to put it all together, and building the story.
  8. Rewards of writing. What do I get from writing and sources of inspiration.
  9. Writers block, opening up to new ideas and knowing when it is time to stop writing and take a breather.
Read an excerpt here

Visit the author's site

My thoughts-

I have always loved to write and I have written a few short stories and a novel. There are times that I get very frustrated because I ran out of ideas and stopped writing.  The book has helped me overcome my writer's block and continue writing. The author's writing style was relaxed and I did not feel that I was reading a boring textbook. The exercises were easy to follow, useful and you do not have to follow them in order. After reading the book, I feel that I have learned a little more about creative writing and how I can make my writing better. So if you want to jump start your writing, read the book and hey.. you never know you may end up with a bestseller.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


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