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Tuesday, November 30, 2010



In Hell's Corner, John Carr, aka Oliver Stone is requested by the President to participate in a secret and high risk mission. He has tried to forget his past but he has no choice but to say yes.

Hell's CornerAs Stone watches the motorcade of The British Prime Minister leave the White House a bomb goes off in Lafayatte Park. It is an apparent terrorist attack against both leaders. He is knocked out and when he wakes up, he is determined to find out who is responsible for the bombing.

He partners with British Agent Mary Chapman to search  for the attackers. They discover that the attackers are mysterious, skilled and very dangerous. The bombing may be the first event in the attacker's plan and Stone decides to turn to The Camel Club for assistance. What happens to Stone and who is responsible? I guess you have to read the book to find out.

Author's Website-

My Thoughts-

I have never read any of The Camel Club novels before so I cannot compare this novel to the others. I had no difficulty following the plot and it was a page turner. The book had many twists and turns that made it exciting. I do not like novels that are predictable and Hell's Corner kept me guessing throughout the entire book. All of the characters interacted well together and I did not figure out who the villain was until the end. I highly recommend this book.I am a Baldacci fan!

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the Hachette Book Group for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

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